Luo Shifang’s new total eclipsed the previous record by a single kilogram.
Last updated on April 3rd, 2024
The 2024 International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Cup in Phuket, Thailand, has been a world record bonanza since it began on March 31, 2024. On April 3, 2024, the record books were opened up for edits again when the Women’s 59KG class took to the platform.
Luo Shifang of China scored the overall gold with a new world record total of 248 kilograms by way of a 108-kilogram snatch and a 140-kilogram clean & jerk. It was a bittersweet triumph for the champion of the last qualifying event before the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Shifang suffered an elbow injury during her final clean & jerk attempt that secured the total world record.
Luo Shifang’s new total world record eclipsed the previous record of 247 kilograms held by Kuo Hsing Chun of Taiwan. Taylor Wilkins of the USA failed to score a total after bombing out during the snatch. Kamila Konotop of Ukraine withdrew before the contest began.
At BarBend, we review a lot of exercise equipment. Weekly we ask ourselves, what’s the best barbell out there? What are the best kettlebells for beginners? Is there a best treadmill, and if so, why?
Yet we often find ourselves turning back to the humble dumbbell. Dumbbell exercises aren’t just for beginners; upper-body dumbbell exercises can help you build muscle even after years of gym experience, and you can certainly gain strength by using dumbbells as well.
We really can’t speak highly enough about them, but what we can do is offer you 14 of our favorite dumbbell exercises for muscle gain and strength development:
14 Best Dumbbell Exercises
Recent Updates: This article was originally written by Jake Dickson, BarBend’s Senior Writer. Dickson revisited the list on Mar. 1, 2024, to review and update the movements so they better reflect BarBend’s contemporary best practices regarding exercise prescriptions. Read more about that process here.
If the standard push-up is a bit too easy for you, you might need to look beyond calisthenics for building up your chest. Any variation of a chest press will work just fine, but dumbbells specifically offer a few unique benefits to chest growth (and strengthening) that you can’t get from a barbell or a plate-loaded machine.
How To Do It
Sit on the end of a weight bench with the dumbbells resting on your knees.
Brace your core and lean backward onto the bench, simultaneously straightening your arms as you settle into the starting position.
Lower the dumbbells slowly down until they graze your chest and then return them to arm’s length.
Make It Easier: You can do this movement on the floor as a way of limiting your range of motion, or tuck your upper arms to your sides to reduce shoulder discomfort.
Make It Harder: Try holding your feet up in the air while you bench to give your core a workout.
Coach’s Tip: Think about pushing the weights both up and inward, like you’re tracing the sides of a triangle.
It may be hard to see your back without the assistance of a mirror, but, thankfully, a pair of dumbbells can help you build it just fine. The dumbbell row (and its many, many variations) is a staple back exercise.
Making dumbbells your weapon of choice is wise as well — something pro physique athletes and strength enthusiasts alike are aware of.
How To Do It
Support your torso with your non-working arm and the corresponding knee on a bench.
Grab the dumbbell and row it by pulling your elbow up and back towards the crease of your hip.
Make It Easier: If you have an adjustable bench, set it to a medium incline and rest on your elbow to support your weight.
Make It Harder: Try doing rows without using a bench at all, hinging over and keeping your torso steady just by bracing your abs.
Coach’s Tip: Think about putting your elbows in your pockets as you row.
There’s really only one reliable way to beef up your traps or neck, and that’s the shrug. Simply elevating and depressing your shoulders is an easy enough motion to learn, the real question involves what equipment you should turn to to get the job done. We like dumbbells because they let you work each of your trap muscles independently.
How To Do It
Stand upright with a pair of dumbbells in each hand.
Lean slightly forward.
Strongly contract your traps by elevating your shoulders up to your ears, holding for a moment, and then lowering them back down.
Make It Easier: You can perform shrugs sitting down instead of standing if needed.
Make It Harder: Ditch the lifting straps and hold the weights with a thumbless grip to test your forearm strength.
Coach’s Tip: You can alternate your reps from shoulder to shoulder or shrug both at once.
4. Dumbbell Pullover
Equipment Needed
Weight bench, dumbbell
Muscles Worked
Lats, triceps, chest
Sets & Reps
2 x 15
There are a few exercises out there that are just a bit too useful. If you find a movement that works multiple opposing muscles at once — such as the pullover — you should stick with it, if not just for efficiency’s sake. Luckily, the dumbbell is the perfect tool for performing (and perfecting) the pullover.
How To Do It
Lie on your back on a bench with your arms above you, hands clasping the plate of a dumbbell.
Slowly lower it back behind your head until your arms are roughly parallel with your torso.
Return the dumbbell to directly above your head.
Make It Easier: Do these on the floor instead of on a bench to limit your range of motion if you don’t have flexible shoulders.
Make It Harder: Pause in the bottom of each rep with the weight behind your head.
Coach’s Tip: Try to get the dumbbell fully out of view to ensure proper range of motion.
5. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Equipment Needed
Dumbbells, lifting straps (optional)
Muscles Worked
Hamstrings, glutes, lower back
Sets & Reps
3 x 6-10
The hinge is one of your most foundational and essential movement patterns. You perform it on a daily basis whether you know it or not — bending over to pick up a child, or lift a crate, or even sinking into a respectful bow.
Training the hinge with the dumbbell Romanian deadlift also helps you develop your hamstrings, calves, lower back, and glutes. Dumbbells are a fantastic choice if you want to make the Romanian deadlift part of your workout routine.
How To Do It
Stand with a pair of dumbbells in your hands and your weight slightly shifted into your heels.
From here, break at the hips and shoot your butt backward.
Allow the dumbbells to fall down your thigh until your torso is roughly parallel to the floor.
Reverse the motion, squeezing your backside to stand back up.
Make It Easier: Standing with your shins up against the side of a bench can help you learn to push your hips back rather than doing a squat.
Make It Harder: Try the B-stance dumbbell RDL, using one leg as a support kickstand and shifting the majority of your weight to the other leg.
Coach’s Tip: Keep your head in a neutral position and don’t attempt to lock your gaze on a single location as you hinge.
6. Dumbbell Flye
Equipment Needed
Dumbbells, weight bench
Muscles Worked
Sets & Reps
3 x 15
You don’t have to be enamored by heavy pressing to successfully add muscle to your chest. Your pecs’ other main anatomical function is humeral adduction, which is fancy phrasing for bringing your arm in toward your torso.
Lie on your back on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, arms straight above you.
Open your arms slowly, palms to the ceiling, while keeping your elbows mostly straight.
Drop your arms out to the side until they’re roughly parallel to the floor.
Coach’s Tip: When lifting the weights back up, think about shoving your upper arm against your torso.
7. Dumbbell Lunge
Equipment Needed
Dumbbells, lifting straps (optional)
Muscles Worked
Quads, glutes, core
Sets & Reps
2-3 x 10-15
Squats are all well and good, but you can walk your way to strong, shapely, and powerful legs with lunges.
By putting one foot in front of the other, literally, and loading yourself up with a pair of dumbbells, you can stimulate almost every muscle in your lower body at once and train your balance to boot.
How To Do It
With a dumbbell in each hand, take a broad step outward in front of you and bend your knees to sink into a high split squat position.
From here, push into the floor with your forward leg, and bring your back leg forward.
Then, do the same motion with the opposing leg.
Make It Easier: Stand next to a horizontal rail and gently clasp it with one arm to assist your balance.
Make It Harder: Try deficit lunges, stepping forward onto a low elevated surface like a bumper plate or riser.
Coach’s Tip: Don’t actively push with your back leg. Use it only to balance yourself.
8. Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Equipment Needed
Muscles Worked
Brachialis, biceps, forearms
Sets & Reps
3 x 8-12
Dumbbells are the tried-and-true default tool for arm growth in most gyms, and for good reason. You can work your biceps independently to even out imbalances and prioritize the strongest contraction possible.
Make It Harder: Stand with your back up against a wall and keep your elbows in contact with the wall at all times to prevent swaying or momentum.
Coach’s Tip: You can unwrap your thumbs for a bit more forearm activation if you want to challenge your grip.
. Dumbbell Skull Crusher
Equipment Needed
Dumbbells, weight bench, wrist wraps (optional)
Muscles Worked
Sets & Reps
3 x 12-15
Skull crushers are great for beefing up the backside of your upper arms, but plenty of people find them uncomfortable to perform for one reason or another. This dumbbell triceps exercise can sometimes be awkward or painful on the wrist or elbow joints.
How To Do It
Lie on your back on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms straight above your head.
Bend at the elbow and lower the weights down toward your head, keeping your upper arms stationary.
Reverse the motion and squeeze your triceps to straighten your arms.
Make It Easier: Do this move on the floor to limit your range of motion.
Make It Harder: Get an adjustable weight bench and set it to a low incline. This will adjust the resistance profile of the exercise, making it more challenging.
Coach’s Tip: You can experiment with different wrist positions to find the most comfortable posture.
Don’t laugh, we’re serious — the dumbbell woodchopper is a fantastic dumbbell ab workout when you want to get away from your standard core workout fare. This movement is also multiplanar, meaning your core muscles have to work to stabilize your spine as you move in multiple directions. As far as core workouts with dumbbells go, we love this one.
How To Do It
Stand upright, holding a single dumbbell with both hands at one side of your hips.
Swing the weight up and across your body, as though you were swinging a golf club or trying to throw it behind your opposite shoulder.
Coach’s Tip: Hold the weight gently in your hands and focus on creating motion by contracting your abs.
11. Goblet Squat
Equipment Needed
Dumbbell, weightlifting shoes (optional)
Muscles Worked
Quads, glutes, core, upper back
Sets & Reps
2-3 x 12-20
Heavy, barbell-based back squats are second-to-none for leg growth and maximal strength. However, they can be intimidating to say the least. Or, you simply can’t get ahold of a squat rack in a crowded gym.
In either case, the goblet squat is at your disposal. It’s a fantastic beginner’s squatting exercise, and can also torch your quads if you’re in a hurry.
How To Do It
Stand upright, holding a dumbbell aloft in front of your chest by the plate.
From here, find your squat stance and sit downward slowly as low as you can go.
Try to maintain an upright torso and balance the dumbbell in the same place.
Make It Easier: You can goblet squat to a chair or box if you aren’t ready to do full-depth squats yet.
Make It Harder: Pause in the bottom of each rep and brace your core to stay upright.
Coach’s Tip: The weight should not be resting against your torso during the goblet squat. Suspend it just in front of your chest.
Adjustable bench or seat, dumbbells, wrist wraps (optional)
Muscles Worked
Shoulders, triceps, serratus anterior
Sets & Reps
3 x 8-12
Named after bodybuilding legend himself Arnold Schwarzenegger, this dumbbell shoulder exercise is tailored perfectly for engaging all three sections of your delts. Moreover, the Arnold press is a pressing variation you flat-out can’t perform with a barbell, so we think it deserves some points for novelty.
How To Do It
Sit upright in a seat or bench with a pair of dumbbells in each hand.
Your arms should be bent with the weights held in front of your face, palms facing you.
Rotate your arms outward and up, pressing your arms overhead.
Reverse the motion, rotating your arms back into the starting position to complete the rep.
13. Renegade Row
Equipment Needed
Dumbbells, exercise mat (optional)
Muscles Worked
Core, lats, shoulders
Sets & Reps
3 x 15-20
Combining your upper body work with some core training is wise if you’re trying to shave time off your workout routine. Luckily, you can utilize dumbbells to build up your lats and forge an ironclad set of abs at the same time with the renegade row.
How To Do It
Assume a standard push-up position, but instead of your palms pressed against the floor, they should be gripping a pair of dumbbells that are resting on the floor.
Alternate your arms as you row one dumbbell up to your trunk while keeping the other arm straight.
Make It Easier: You can do renegade rows from a kneeling position if you aren’t ready to support yourself in a full plank just yet.
Make It Harder: Pause at the top of each rep, holding your upper arm snugly to your torso for a few seconds.
Coach’s Tip: Avoid twisting your torso or sagging your hips as you row.
14. Lateral Raise
Equipment Needed
Muscles Worked
Lateral deltoids
Sets & Reps
2-3 x 12-20
For healthy, functional, and aesthetic shoulders, you need to train all three of the deltoid’s heads. To hit the middle, or lateral, aspect of your shoulder, you have to perform the lateral raise. It’s the only practical way. What piece of equipment is ideally suited for the lateral raise? A pair of dumbbells.
How To Do It
Stand upright with a pair of dumbbells in each hand down at your sides.
From here, slowly raise your arms outward and upward until they’re roughly parallel with the floor, palms pointing down.
Make It Easier: Bend your elbows to 90 degrees to reduce the tension on your shoulder joints.
Make It Harder: Set an adjustable bench to a nearly-upright position and lean against it. This will remove your ability to use momentum during the exercise.
Coach’s Tip: Raise the weights out and slightly forward for optimal deltoid contraction.
3 Dumbbell Workouts To Try
Want to put these moves into action? We’ve got you covered. Designing dumbbell workouts for muscle growth, strength, or any other fitness goal isn’t easy, so we’re taking the guesswork out of the equation. Here are a few of our favorite dumbbell-based workout routines:
First things first, you’ll need to warm up, no matter what sort of workout you’re doing. 5 to 10 minutes of easy cardio exercise will get your blood pumping, so start there. Afterward, be sure to perform at least one ramp-up set before doing any dumbbell compound exercises.
Upper-Body Dumbbell Workout
Dumbbells let you work your arms or legs unilaterally, which ensures that your muscles grow at the same rate, without one side picking up slack for the other. Try this upper-body dumbbell workout to increase hypertrophy and build new muscle mass:
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 x 6
Dumbbell Row: 3 x 8
Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 2 x 12
Dumbbell Skull Crusher: 2 x 12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 x 15
Dumbbell Leg Workout
Want to work your legs? You don’t have to do barbell squats. As long as you have access to some decently-heavy dumbbells, rest assured that you can train your legs without needing to head to the squat rack.
Goblet Squat: 3 x 10
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 10
Dumbbell Lunge: 2 x 12
Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise: 2 x 20
Home Dumbbell Workout
If you want to workout at home but only have one pair of dumbbells, don’t worry. We have a workout for you. This workout is designed to be performed as a circuit; do these moves back-to-back with little to no rest in-between.
Note: This workout is designed to be performed with a pair of 15-to-35-pound weights. If you have a heavier pair, consider changing up the rep ranges as needed.
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 20 reps
Dumbbell Floor Press: 15 reps
Dumbbell Renegade Row: 15 reps
Dumbbell Skull Crusher: 8 reps
Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 8 reps
Benefits of Dumbbell Training
Dumbbells are for everyone — first-time gymgoer and professional athlete alike. If you’re wondering why they’re so widely used in the fitness industry, rest assured that they’re far from a fad.
They aren’t the be-all, end-all of exercise equipment, but working with dumbbells provides more than a few unique benefits that you should be mindful of.
Corrects Muscle Imbalances
By their very nature, dumbbells allow you to work each of your arms or legs independently — as well as the corresponding muscles that move those joints.
This allows you to identify, attack, and remedy any imbalances or side-to-side weaknesses you may have. While a barbell or fixed-path machine can sometimes mask these issues (since you’re moving a single piece of resistance with both your arms, for example), dumbbells will quickly show you where your weak spots are so you can take the right actions against them.
Targets Weak Points
As the dumbbell is a single-side implement, you can think of it as more of a scalpel than a hammer. Barbell exercises are wonderful for stimulating a lot of muscles quickly and with high loads.
However, barbells can’t hold a candle to the precise stimulation and resistance offered by a dumbbell. You’d find it difficult, for instance, to properly target your side delts with another type of free weight.
Independent Movement
When working with adjustable dumbbells, your limbs have more freedom and less restriction than if you used another implement. This can be particularly helpful when performing exercises such as the bench press, where your individual anatomy strongly impacts your form.
No one is perfectly symmetrical side-to-side; dumbbells allow your body to move as it was designed to, rather than having to adhere to a rigid or cumbersome path.
Teaches Motor Control
Single-arm (or leg) exercises do a lot more for your body than just stimulating the muscle or muscles in question.
When you load one limb at a time, your body still has to stabilize and control the transfer of force between the weight itself and the surface you’re in contact with. In practical terms, this means that a single-arm press will tax your core as it attempts to stabilize your spine, providing some “bonus” ab training.
This principle holds true for any movement you opt to perform with, or on, one limb.
Builds Plenty of Strength
If your priority is maximal strength above all else and at any cost, you should probably spend a lot of time with the barbell — especially if you’re aspiring toward a strength sport like powerlifting.
Barring that, you shouldn’t forsake dumbbells in your pursuit of getting stronger in general. They’ll work just fine for strength, even if you aren’t lifting comparably heavy weights as you would in a similar barbell-based movement. (1)
Use Dumbbells to Lift Well
The equipment you use in the gym is less important than the sets and reps you select, which are less important than having motivation to be consistent in the first place.
That said, the devil is in the details when it comes to maximizing your fitness potential. Dumbbells shouldn’t make up your entire routine (though they certainly can) at all times, but they’re versatile, customizable, and easy to use.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you train your whole body with just dumbbells?
Yes! Dumbbells are incredibly versatile. With the right exercises in your arsenal, you can train your back, chest, arms, core, or legs.
What are the best dumbbell exercises for beginners?
Dumbbells are great for beginners because they train your muscles and teach you how to stabilize your body while you work out. For beginners, we recommend moves like the dumbbell row, bench press, shoulder press, lunge, and Romanian deadlift.
Are 20lb dumbbells enough to gain muscle?
It depends. Strength is relative; 20 pounds may be quite heavy for you, but too easy for your gym partner. Compound exercises that involve motion at more than one joint will also allow you to lift more than 20 pounds eventually. That said, a pair of 20-pound dumbbells will remain useful on isolation moves like the lateral raise, skull crusher, or hammer curl for quite a while.
Heinecke, M. L., Mauldin, M. L., Hunter, M. L., Mann, J. B., & Mayhew, J. L. (2021). Relationship of Barbell and Dumbbell Repetitions With One Repetition Maximum Bench Press in College Football Players. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 35(Suppl 1), S66–S71.
Kieliszkowski was due to compete in the UK on April 20, 2024.
Last updated on April 3rd, 2024
Polish strongman Mateusz Kieliszkowski’s return to competition has hit a bump. He was scheduled to compete at the 2024 Europe’s Strongest Man event in Leeds, UK, on April 13, 2024, but it seems that will not come to pass.
Kieliszkowski announced on his Instagram page on April 1, 2024, that he had withdrawn from the contest due to an injury to his Achilles tendon. Unfortunately, despite the announcement date, he assured his fans that it was not an April Fool’s prank; he would not be able to compete. See his statement below:
Kieliszkowski made his mark in the international strongman competition between 2015 and 2019. He placed second at World’s Strongest Man in 2018 and again in 2019, cementing his position as one of the strongest athletes in the world.
However, disaster struck soon after. Kieliszkowski suffered a triceps injury, compelling his withdrawal from the 2020 World’s Strongest Man, and had to undergo surgery. Ensuing complications and subsequent re-injury at the same site led to him missing key competitions in 2020 and 2021. He did not compete in 2022, allowing time to heal properly.
Kieliskowski’s return in 2023 began well. He scored a second-place finish at the 2023 Arnold Strongman Classic but then faltered when he was eliminated in the group stage for the first time in his career at the 2023 World’s Strongest Man contest.
In 2024, Kieliszkowski finally seemed to be in good shape. He performed well at the 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic, winning the Stone Medley and claiming second place overall. Unfortunately, the comeback ended early when he injured his Achilles tendon in training.
There’s nothing to complain about because I have chosen this path myself. I’m aware that injuries and health problems are part of the sport at this level.
Kieliszkowski said in his post that it wasn’t clear when it happened or if he had torn the tendon completely or partially, but he was struggling to walk without pain so he suspended training and competing. He will miss the 2024 Europe’s Strongest Man and 2024 World’s Strongest Man.
This is another huge setback for Kieliszkowski and fans of the sport. There’s no doubt that, when fully fit, he can challenge at the highest level. However, fans must wait a little longer to see him return at full strength.
Step outside on a sunny day, and you can soak up some free vitamin D — the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is vital to healthy bones and your immune system. Getting enough vitamin D through sun exposure and food sources alone is difficult. Over one billion people worldwide have a vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to medical conditions. (1)
Credit: Andrey Yurlov / Shutterstock
I always recommend that my clients get their vitamin D levels checked to see if their healthcare provider suggests a vitamin D supplement. There are two forms of vitamin D: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Here, I’ll zero in on vitamin D3, potentially the most effective option for raising your vitamin D levels. I’ll explain what it is, how much you need, and how it may affect your health.
What Is Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin (along with vitamins A, E, and K), which is stored in fat in your body. Vitamin D refers to a group of vitamins that includes vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). How much vitamin D2 and D3 you have determines your vitamin D status — insufficiency, adequate levels, or toxicity (very rare). (2)(3)
You can get vitamin D3 from food sources like fortified cereals, dairy products, egg yolks, fatty fish, and sardines. You can also take vitamin D supplements, multivitamins that contain vitamin D3, or cod liver oil. (3)
Your body also synthesizes and produces vitamin D3 in your skin from ultraviolet rays during sun exposure. Wearing sunscreen may limit how much vitamin D you can get from sun exposure. However, too much exposure to ultraviolet rays without sunscreen is a leading risk factor for skin cancer, so it’s not the safest way to get your daily vitamin D. (4)
What Does Vitamin D3 Do?
Vitamin D’s primary function is to balance your body’s calcium and phosphorus levels by helping you absorb calcium. These functions are important for bone health, muscle and nerve function, your immune system, and cardiovascular health. (2)(5)
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) may be the most effective dietary supplement for raising your blood levels of vitamin D. It is recommended by health professionals for people with a vitamin D deficiency. Certain populations may be more at risk of having low vitamin D levels, including older adults, people with darker skin, people who spend less time in the sun, and people with gastrointestinal diseases. (6)(7)
The Office of Dietary Supplements Department of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends the following daily vitamin D intake for Americans: (8)
Infants from birth to one year need 0 micrograms (mcg) or 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D.
People from one to 70 years 15 mcg or 600 IU of vitamin D daily. Pregnant and breastfeeding people require the same amount.
Older adults over age 71 need 20 mcg or 800 IU of vitamin D.
How Do You Know If You’re Getting Enough Vitamin D?
Concerned about your vitamin D status? A healthcare provider can check it with a blood test. The test will show your blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
The amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D indicates your overall vitamin D blood levels. Having more than 30 ng/mL of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is adequate. (9)
Insufficiency: 30 nmol/L (12 ng/mL) is too low and can harm your bone health
Sufficiency: 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL) is adequate for bone health
Toxicity: Over 125 nmol/L (50 ng/mL) is too high
Do Vitamin D Supplements Work?
Research shows that vitamin D supplements do work at raising your blood levels of vitamin D. It is difficult to get enough vitamin D from food sources since they contain low levels of it. It can also be dangerous for your skin to try and get enough from the sun alone. (7)
Always check with a healthcare provider for personal medical advice.
Can You Have Too Much Vitamin D?
Vitamin D toxicity is rare but possible. It can occur from taking high doses of vitamin D and going above the recommendation. A blood test indicating vitamin D toxicity would show your 25-hydroxyvitamin D level higher than 150 ng/ml (375 nmol/l). (10)
Symptoms of a vitamin D overdose include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and muscle weakness. An overdose and vitamin D toxicity can cause hypercalcemia, a condition where your calcium blood levels are too high. Hypercalcemia can lead to nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, kidney stones, pain, and dehydration. (7)(8)
The NIH states the daily upper limit for vitamin D is 100 mcg (4,000 IU) for people over nine. (8)
Uses of Vitamin D3
Research links a vitamin D deficiency with multiple medical conditions related to bone health, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and depression. However, outcomes from clinical trials have been mixed across the board. (9)
Effective for Raising Vitamin D Levels
One thing seems to be relatively sure — taking vitamin D3 as a dietary supplement effectively raises blood levels of vitamin D.
A meta-analysis of clinical trials from 1966 to 2011 found that vitamin D3 is more effective at raising 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels than vitamin D2. (6)
A study on 32 older adults with a vitamin D deficiency found that vitamin D3 was almost twice as effective as vitamin D2 at raising 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. (11)
Probably Effective for Bone Health and Immune System Strength
Raising vitamin D levels by taking vitamin D3 seems to be effective at improving bone health.
Long-term vitamin D or calcium insufficiency may cause osteoporosis. Since vitamin D helps absorb calcium, both can help with prevention. Clinical trials on older adults of all genders suggest that both vitamin D and calcium supplementation can increase bone mineral density. (8)
Having adequate vitamin D levels is associated with higher bone mineral density, which helps prevent osteoporosis. Older adults, especially people assigned female at birth, are more at risk of developing osteoporosis, which can increase their risk of fractures. (12)
It is well known that vitamin D plays a significant role in regulating your immune system. (13)
Research has found that immune cells contain vitamin D receptors. Theoretically, exposing them to vitamin D supplements could help to “strengthen” your immune system. There seems to be a link between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune diseases. (13)
When your immune cells receive vitamin D, it may help protect you from infections. Vitamin D may increase your immune response. (14)
A study on college athletes found that lower vitamin D levels in the winter were associated with a higher risk of illness. (15)
Possibly Effective for Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels
Some clinical trials suggest vitamin D supplements may help reduce high cholesterol and blood pressure. Both are risk factors for heart disease. (5)
However, health professionals state that vitamin D supplements alone are not an adequate treatment for cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Seems Ineffective for Weight Loss and Preventing Certain Conditions
Although vitamin D deficiency seems to correlate with certain medical conditions, clinical trials show that vitamin D supplements don’t necessarily help them — other than those related to bone health. They also seem ineffective in helping with weight loss.
Weight Loss: Although people with obesity frequently have low vitamin D levels, clinical trials do not show that vitamin D helps with weight loss. If you are trying to lose weight and have a vitamin D deficiency, taking vitamin D may benefit your health — but it won’t impact weight loss. (8)
Cardiovascular Disease: High vitamin D levels have been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but it doesn’t go the other way. Clinical trials show vitamin D supplements do not help prevent heart disease. (5)(8)
Multiple Sclerosis: Some studies found a link between low vitamin D levels and a higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). However, clinical trials haven’t shown that vitamin D supplements can help prevent or manage MS. (5)(8)
Depression, Cancer, and Type 2 Diabetes: Research states that vitamin D supplements do not help prevent or manage depression, cancer, or type 2 diabetes. (5)
Side Effects of Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 dietary supplements may cause side effects. Always consult a healthcare provider before trying a new supplement, and let them know if you experience worsening side effects.
Here are the common side effects of vitamin D supplements: (7)
Lack of appetite
Unexplained weight loss
Vitamin D3 Interactions
Vitamin D3 may interact with certain medications by causing your body to absorb too little or too much vitamin D and calcium. Here’s what to look out for. (5)
Weight Loss Drugs: The drug Orlistat can prevent your body from absorbing vitamin D from food and dietary supplements.
Cholesterol Drugs: Taking vitamin D supplements may reduce the efficacy of cholesterol-lowering drugs (a class called statins), including atorvastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin.
Steroids: Taking a steroid medication like prednisone may lower vitamin D levels.
Diuretics: Taking diuretic medications (Hygroton, Lozol, and Microzide) with vitamin D supplements can increase your calcium levels too much.
It’s also important to tell your healthcare provider if you already take calcium supplements, multivitamins, and other vitamin D supplements or eat fortified foods. Taking vitamin D3 in addition to these could raise your vitamin D or calcium levels too much. (5)
Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, taking vitamin D supplements with a fat source may help improve absorption. One meta-analysis of trials found that omega-3 supplements helps increase vitamin D levels. (16)
There isn’t any concrete evidence that omega-3 can help improve vitamin D absorption, but if you take both supplements separately, it may be worth trying them together.
Here’s what you need to take with you.
Vitamin D: a fat-soluble vitamin critical for bone health and calcium absorption
Vitamin D Deficiency: over one billion people worldwide don’t get enough
Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 influence your vitamin D levels
How to Check Your Levels: ask your healthcare provider for a blood test
Deficiency, Sufficiency, Toxicity: your doctor will let you know, but here are the numbers for vitamin D blood levels
Insufficiency: 30 nmol/L (12 ng/mL) and under
Sufficiency: 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL) and over
Toxicity: Over 125 nmol/L (50 ng/mL) and over
Why Take Vitamin D3: it raises vitamin D levels best
it’s challenging to get it all through food
it’s dangerous to get it all through sun exposure without sunscreen
it contributes to healthy bones
helps prevent rickets, osteomalacia, and osteoporosis
may boost the immune system to prevent infections
How Much to Take:
RDA for adults: 15 mcg or 600 IU
RDA for adults over age 71: 20 mcg or 800 IU
Upper Limit: don’t go over 4,000 IU daily
Side Effects: watch out for
decreased appetite
unexplained weight loss
nausea, vomiting, constipation
Interactions: vitamin D3 may interact with
weight loss drugs, cholesterol drugs, steroids, and diuretics
calcium supplements and multivitamins
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it dangerous to consume 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily?
Yes, 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 may be dangerous. The NIH states the daily upper limit for vitamin D is 4,000 IU. (8)
Can I get enough vitamin D from my diet?
It is doubtful that most people can get enough vitamin D from their diet.
What is the recommended daily dosage of vitamin D3 for adults?
The RDA of vitamin D3 for adults is 15 mcg or 600 IU.
How do you know if you have a vitamin D deficiency?
You can take a blood test to determine your blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Under 30 nmol/L (12 ng/mL) is considered a vitamin D deficiency.
Can vitamin D supplementation help with symptoms of depression?
Research does not show that vitamin D supplementation helps with symptoms of depression.
Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.
Nair R, Maseeh A. Vitamin D: The “sunshine” vitamin. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2012 Apr;3(2):118-26.
Chauhan K, Shahrokhi M, Huecker MR. Vitamin D. [Updated 2023 Apr 9]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.
Alayed Albarri EM, Sameer Alnuaimi A, Abdelghani D. Effectiveness of vitamin D2 compared with vitamin D3 replacement therapy in a primary healthcare setting: a retrospective cohort study. Qatar Med J. 2022 Aug 4;2022(3):29.
D’Orazio J, Jarrett S, Amaro-Ortiz A, Scott T. UV radiation and the skin. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Jun 7;14(6):12222-48.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Consumers. National Institutes of Health.
Tripkovic L, Lambert H, Hart K, Smith CP, Bucca G, Penson S, Chope G, Hyppönen E, Berry J, Vieth R, Lanham-New S. Comparison of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 supplementation in raising serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Jun;95(6):1357-64.
National Library of Medicine (2020, October 15). Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3). Medline Plus.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. National Institutes of Health.
Sizar O, Khare S, Goyal A, et al. Vitamin D Deficiency. [Updated 2023 Jul 17]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.
Marcinowska-Suchowierska E, Kupisz-Urbańska M, Łukaszkiewicz J, Płudowski P, Jones G. Vitamin D Toxicity-A Clinical Perspective. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018 Sep 20;9:550.
Romagnoli E, Mascia ML, Cipriani C, Fassino V, Mazzei F, D’Erasmo E, Carnevale V, Scillitani A, Minisola S. Short and long-term variations in serum calciotropic hormones after a single very large dose of ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) or cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) in the elderly. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Aug;93(8):3015-20.
Laird E, Ward M, McSorley E, Strain JJ, Wallace J. Vitamin D and bone health: potential mechanisms. Nutrients. 2010 Jul;2(7):693-724.
Martens PJ, Gysemans C, Verstuyf A, Mathieu AC. Vitamin D’s Effect on Immune Function. Nutrients. 2020 Apr 28;12(5):1248.
Aranow C. Vitamin D and the immune system. J Investig Med. 2011 Aug;59(6):881-6.
Halliday TM, Peterson NJ, Thomas JJ, Kleppinger K, Hollis BW, Larson-Meyer DE. Vitamin D status relative to diet, lifestyle, injury, and illness in college athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Feb;43(2):335-43.
Alhabeeb H, Kord-Varkaneh H, Tan SC, Găman MA, Otayf BY, Qadri AA, Alomar O, Salem H, Al-Badawi IA, Abu-Zaid A. The influence of omega-3 supplementation on vitamin D levels in humans: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2022;62(11):3116-3123.
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Indoor cycling can be an effective, low-impact way to get your daily dose of cardio, but, despite their relatively compact footprints, the best exercise bikes can get pricey, with some models costing upwards of $2,600. Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes offer an affordable solution, as few brands can match the quality, performance, and, perhaps most importantly, savings they provide.
To give you a head start in your purchasing process, we wrangled up our favorite silhouettes from the brand’s roster to help you determine whether a Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bike is right for your space, and which model best fits your training needs. While these machines are more utilitarian than high-tech, we think everyone from beginners to seasoned cyclists will find them a reliable (and budget-friendly) option for at-home cardio.
About Our Expert
This article has been reviewed by Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition coach, and CrossFit Level-1 Trainer. She reviewed the research we cite to help ensure we’re providing helpful, accurate descriptions and recommendations.
Why Should I Buy a Sunny Health & Fitness Exercise Bike?
Exercise bikes tend to have a smaller footprint than other cardio machines, making them a great tool for athletes tight on space. The best exercise bikes on the market, though, often cost well over $1,000, and also rely on integrated fitness apps that cost an additional subscription fee that needs to be paid monthly or annually.
Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes, on the other hand, pair a space-saving profile with price tags that rarely creep over $1,000 (only one model eclipses the $1,500 mark). For reference, the four bikes we picked for this review — the SF-B1002, SF-B1879, SF-B901, and SF-B1995 — all fall below $620.
Our tester adjusting the resistance on the SF-B1002 exercise bike from Sunny Health and Fitness
A big reason that Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes can keep costs so low is their emphasis on sturdy, well-built silhouettes over more intricate, tech-heavy profiles. Like the brand’s other fitness equipment — including some of the best treadmills and other home gym essentials — these bikes utilize heavy flywheels, comfortable saddles, and stable handlebars to prove their worth rather than a laundry list of live and on-demand courses.
Resistance mechanisms are often friction-based — a louder yet cheaper option for indoor cyclists — but Sunny Health and Fitness does feature some (more expensive) magnetic resistance machines for a smooth ride that’s less likely to wake any fellow housemates during sessions.
Additionally, all the bikes chosen for this review have a weight capacity of 275 pounds. This supporting capability isn’t the highest we’ve experienced in our time testing over 20 indoor cycles over the years, but it should be suitable enough for most.
We’ll be honest — most of our trial rides and cycling workouts were spent on the SF-B1002 model. However, we’ve ridden enough stationary bikes and tested enough of Sunny Health and Fitness’ exercise equipment, to understand how these four bikes separate themselves from one another (and which athletes they’d be best for). Ready to dive in? Let’s hop in the saddle and get up to speed on our findings.
Main Takeaways
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1002Belt DriveIndoor Cycling Bike: This exercise bike can be a great option for athletes needing a quiet training setup. The belt drive can move smoothly through each pedal cadence, and the heavy 49-pound flywheel is prime for maintaining momentum throughout your revolutions.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1879 Synergy Exercise Bike: The SF-B1879 is the lone exercise bike in this review with magnetic resistance, a preferred component for those wanting smooth intensity changes throughout their training. However, the beefier feature does raise the price slightly to $619.99, making it the most expensive bike in this guide.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B901 Chain Drive Pro Indoor Cycling Exercise Bike: This indoor cycle employs a chain drive system that can better mimic the experience you’d feel with an on-road bike. However, this tech will require more upkeep than a belt-drive model.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1995 Pro II Stationary Indoor Cycling Bike: With felt pad resistance, a 40-pound flywheel, and a convenient device holder, this SF-B1995 can be an ideal pick for beginner athletes just getting used to indoor cycling. We do recommend, though, that you take proper care of the felt pads to help prevent any fraying or loss of friction.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1002 Belt Drive Indoor Cycling Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycling Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycling Bike
This bike’s 49-pound flywheel is one of the largest we’ve seen on a consumer indoor cycle and will help you build momentum while keeping your ride smooth. The transport wheels are also large and durable, so you can move tip this bike and move it out of the way when your workout is over.
Price: $399.99
Resistance Type: Friction
Driveline: Belt drive
Flywheel Weight: 49lbs
Product Weight: 110.8lbs
Weight Capacity: 275lbs
Product Dimensions: 53.94” L X 19.1” W X 44.49” H
This indoor cycling bike features a heavy 49-pound flywheel that can help generate smooth momentum and easier speed maintenance mid-workout.
The SF-B1002 Has multiple grip points along the handlebars for comfortable hand placement during your rides.
Front transportation wheels can assist with maneuvering the roughly 111-pound frame.
According to the brand, this bike can only support athletes up to 6 feet 1 inch.
There’s no display module at the front of the bike for tracking metrics like calories burned, time, speed, heart rate, and other key training data.
In comparison to the other Sunny Health and Fitness bikes in this guide, the SF-B1002 is heavier than the 100.1-pound bike weight average.
If you’re looking for a no-frills spin bike to give your cardio sessions some movement, the Sunny SF-B1002 is a solid pick. Available for less than $400, this compact exercise bike takes up just 7.15 square feet of space — less than that of your standard coffee table. (2) Additionally, the front transport wheels can allow you to easily move and maneuver this bike into place, which is useful when trying to make the most of your floor plan outside of workout sessions.
The SF-B1002 is one of our favorite bikes from Sunny Health and Fitness thanks to its heavy 49-pound flywheel and belt-driven drivetrain. A heavier flywheel works to maintain momentum throughout your workouts, leading to less stops and starts. (3) The belt-drive system, on the other hand, can allow for a quieter riding experience overall, and will require less maintenance than a bike running off of a chain-driven drivetrain.
However, while we are fans of this effective system, the audio feedback of the leather friction resistance system is louder than you’ll find on a bike with magnetic resistance. As the flywheel rubs across the leather strap — which can be micro-adjusted via the resistance knob — I have experienced some loud feedback. While I’ll give the adjustability across this system a 4 out of 5, I would say that this may be a better bike for those that don’t need to worry about sleeping children nearby or interrupting a housemate as they try to talk on the phone or answer Zoom calls during work hours.
Our tester working out atop the SF-B1002 exercise bike from Sunny Health and Fitness
The portability of this SF-B1002 is beneficial since you’ll need to set up this exercise bike in front of a television or monitor if you want to view any workouts or intra-workout entertainment during your rides.
There is no centralized LED or LCD monitor across the handlebars, meaning you’ll need to set up your phone (paired to a handy heart rate monitor) or tablet if you want to view your stats. Sure, the multi-grip, non-slip handlebars are comfy, but this lack of a screen may be a turnoff for data hounds.
Lastly, the Sunny SF-B1002 is a pretty stable ride that can support athletes up to 275 pounds. However, the brand states that the adjustable seat can only be toggled enough to accommodate athletes up to 6 feet 1 inch in height. Taller athletes may struggle to find a comfortable setup to fit their longer frames.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1879 Synergy Exercise Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1879 Synergy Exercise Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1879 Synergy Exercise Bike
The SF-B1879 from Sunny Health and Fitness can be a great solution for budget-minded athletes wanting the performance of a magnetic resistance system along with a lightweight frame. A built-in LCD monitor can also be helpful in monitoring key training data like calories, speed, time, distance, and others.
Price: $619.99
Resistance Type: Magnetic
Driveline: Belt drive
Flywheel Weight: 30lbs
Product Weight: 88.2lbs
Weight Capacity: 275lbs
Product Dimensions: 49” L X 22” W X 50.5” H
The SF-B1879 features a magnetic resistance system that’s quieter and requires less maintenance than friction-based systems.
It features storage conveniences like a water bottle holder and dumbbell holders.
The built-in LCD monitor can help you track your speed, distance, time, calories, RPM, and pulse.
The flywheel is listed at 30 pounds — Sunny Health and Fitness bikes often feature a 40-pound flywheel or heavier.
Despite the integrated console, our tester did state that there are no preset training programs built into the device.
This is the most expensive bike in this guide — other spin bikes often come in below $400, whereas this SF-B1879 costs $619.99.
For those wanting a quiet workout experience to go along with their wallet-friendly fitness gear, the SF-B1879 can be an ideal pick. Along with its belt-drive system, this spin bike also utilizes magnetic resistance across its 30-pound flywheel, which can keep revolutions more feedback-free than friction-based resistances.
Our tester, a certified personal trainer, rated the bike’s durability a 5 out of 5, and also noted a few of the key conveniences it provides. “I like that Sunny Health included a rugged water bottle holder for mid-workout refreshments,” our tester said, rating its conveniences a 4 out of 5.
“Plus, the small dumbbell holders at the side can help me keep lighter weights at the ready, which can be great for HIIT workouts that give me some movement versatility over just pounding the pedals to different resistances,” they added.
There’s also an integrated LCD monitor with this Sunny Health and Fitness offering. While it isn’t the most tech-heavy unit — our tester rated the programming at 0 out of 5 because, well, there aren’t any training programs available — it can still be helpful when trying to monitor your heart rate, speed, distance, RPM, calories burned, and more.
Additionally, we should point out that the flywheel used in the SF-B1879 is lighter than other Sunny Health and Fitness bikes we’ve tested. The 30-pound flywheel can be great for startups, as it doesn’t take as much effort to get the wheel rolling, but maintaining your pace can be more difficult than other bikes featuring a 40-pound flywheel or heavier.
If you’re okay with the occasional stop and start, you’ll likely be fine with this setup, but if you want to get moving and stay moving, it may be best to opt for a heavier flywheel.
Lastly, we’d be remiss to not point out the price of this exercise bike. The SF-B1879 retails for roughly $620. While, yes, this is far cheaper than other high-quality exercise bikes from the likes of NordicTrack, Peloton, Echelon, and other brands, it’s one of the more expensive Sunny Health and Fitness bikes. For reference, all of the bikes included in this guide come in below $400, albeit without the quieter, smoother magnetic resistance system.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B901 Chain Drive Pro Indoor Cycling Exercise Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B901 Chain Drive Pro Indoor Cycling Exercise Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B901 Chain Drive Pro Indoor Cycling Exercise Bike
This chain-driven exercise bike boasts a compact 5.81-square-foot footprint, making it an excellent option for athletes tight on space. A convenient emergency brake can also help improve your in-training safety in case you need to immediately halt your progress and regain your balance or hop off the bike to tend to another issue.
Price: $399.99
Resistance Type: Friction
Driveline: Chain drive
Flywheel Weight: 40lbs
Product Weight: 102lbs
Weight Capacity: 275lbs
Product Dimensions: 46.5” L X 18” W X 46” H
Compared to other Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes, the SF-B901 boasts the smallest footprint at 5.81 square feet.
It features a unique emergency brake stop that can help you immediately pause your progress for added safety.
The tension knob is easy to toggle, allowing you to increase or decrease your training intensity with a simple turn of the wrist.
The felt pads will require more lubrication and maintenance than other friction resistance systems. (4)
Chain-drive bikes can be noisier than belt-drive systems, and a regular maintenance plan will be required to preserve optimal performance.
Unlike other Sunny Health and Fitness bikes, there is no water bottle holder.
Granted, most indoor cycling bikes can help home gym enthusiasts save a few square feet, but the SF-B901 is one of our favorites for making the most of a compact floor plan. The footprint of this no-frills exercise bike measures 5.81 square feet, which is nearly half the flooring you’d need for a standard coffee table. (2)
I scored the footprint at 4.5 out of 5, too, because of the larger transport wheels located at the front base of this machine. This can be ideal when trying to transport or maneuver the 102-pound frame for your dedicated spin classes.
This SF-B901 also features an impressive emergency brake system that allows you to quickly halt your training with a simple twist of a lever. This added safety measure may be overlooked by some, but having the ability to completely stop your progress can be helpful when looking to keep setups as safe as possible. That’s especially true with caged pedals — getting out of them can be easier said than done at times. As such, I rated the safety features at 4 out of 5.
In terms of resistance, this Sunny Health and Fitness bike utilizes a felt pad friction-style setup. This can be helpful when trying to keep costs low, but I have found that felt pads tend to require a little more upkeep when compared to other friction systems like leather or synthetic rubber.
Over time, these pads can begin to fray, which will require some lubrication. While I do appreciate how easy the tension knob is to set across the micro-adjustable resistance levels, I did have to dock the resistance down to 3.5 out of 5 given the required maintenance.
Another key component of this SF-B901 is the chain-driven drivetrain. Like your favorite road bike, this mechanism uses a chain to connect your pedals to the flywheel. I actually prefer this drivetrain style as it can easily mimic your on-road experience, but like the felt pads, it will require some maintenance every now and again.
Additionally, Sunny Health and Fitness does claim that chain drive systems can be louder than belt-drive bikes. If you’re really focused on keeping workouts as quiet as possible, it may be best to opt for a different silhouette.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1995 Pro II Stationary Indoor Cycling Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1995 Pro II Stationary Indoor Cycling Bike
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1995 Pro II Stationary Indoor Cycling Bike
The SF-B1995 uses a felt-pad resistance mechanism that can help keep costs low, and the 40-pound flywheel can be great for maintaining momentum throughout your training circuits. Plus, the 275-pound weight capacity should be suitable for most athletes, although larger athletes may want to look for a different silhouette.
Price: $399.99
Resistance Type: Friction
Driveline: Belt drive
Flywheel Weight: 40lbs
Product Weight: 99.4lbs
Weight Capacity: 275lbs
Product Dimensions: 49.5” L X 20” W X 49” H
The four-way adjustable bike seat can help you achieve that premier fitment for more comfortable workouts day in and day out.
This exercise bike’s 40-pound flywheel works to maintain momentum and pace.
The SF-B1995 Pro II features a device holder to allow for DIY streaming setups.
The 99.4-pound frame may be difficult to pick up and pivot for some athletes.
The felt pads of the friction resistance system will need more regular maintenance than bikes utilizing magnetic resistance or a leather pad. (4)
This bike features caged pedals, which may be a detriment for athletes looking to train with clipless cycling shoes.
The SF-B901 from Sunny Health and Fitness is what I’d refer to as a mid-range exercise bike. Yes, you get a 40-pound flywheel for improved momentum throughout your workout. Yes, the stable steel frame can support athletes up to 275 pounds. However, I wouldn’t put it at the top of my list for exercise bikes, nor would I place it at the very end. It’s an affordable, high-quality machine that doesn’t necessarily have any standout features … and that’s perfectly fine.
I do enjoy how this Sunny Health and Fitness bike comes equipped with an integrated device holder across the handlebars. This can make viewing your favorite streamable workouts or content a more approachable endeavor, although the front transport wheels can also make setting it up in front of your television that much easier.
Additionally, I appreciated how easy it was to fine tune the resistance to my desired intensity level thanks to the micro-adjustable tension knob. While this unit does lack the digital features of other exercise bikes, I’d still rate the workout experience at 4 out of 5.
There are also plenty of adjustment points across the well-padded seat, which can be helpful for lankier athletes searching for that premier fitment. I had no issues with the ergonomics on hand with the SF-B901, and rated the adjustability at 4.5 out of 5.
Like other Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes, the SF-B901 relies on felt pads for its friction-based resistance system. This can be fine for keeping costs low, but I caution that you will need to tend to these pads sooner rather than later.
The constant contact with the 40-pound flywheel can begin to wear across the profiles, resulting in a frayed makeup that’s less effective over time. A simple lubrication schedule can keep these pads operating smoothly, but it is more required maintenance than you’d experience with, say, a magnetic system.
Finally, the caged pedal setup can be useful for cardio newbies looking to pedal toward their fitness goals. That said, I would have liked to have seen a clipless variety offered in this budget-friendly exercise bike for those that already own or prefer to train in cycling shoes. While not an absolute dealbreaker, having the ability to clip into the pedals can make this bike more accommodating for those already ingrained in the indoor cycling community.
What to Consider Before Buying a Sunny Health & Fitness Exercise Bike
According to Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC, “Cycling brings an impressive collection of health benefits to the table: cardiovascular health, endurance, stamina, muscular endurance are all improved with cycling, to name a few.” As such, there are a few things to consider when deciding on a proper fitness machine for your space, whether from Sunny Health and Fitness or another popular brand.
Flywheel Weight
Your exercise bike’s flywheel weight can greatly influence your overall training experience outside of just your machine’s stability. Lighter flywheels — 20 pounds or lighter — can be helpful for quick starts and getting your machine up and running, but the lack of weight upfront can lead to less momentum throughout the revolutions. (3) As a result, you may need to stop and start more often in order to maintain a certain pace.
Heavier flywheels, on the other hand, may be more difficult to get moving, but have a greater tendency to maintain their sense of inertia during workouts, which can lead to more fluid movements and less of a drop in pacing overall. (3)
Our tester adjusting the resistance across the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002 exercise bike
Whichever flywheel weight you choose can be subjective depending on how difficult you want your workout starts to be, as well as how efficiently you want to maintain certain speeds and paces throughout your sessions. For reference, all of the Sunny Health and Fitness bikes in this round-up feature flywheels no lighter than 30 pounds, which can be more attuned to better momentum and pace maintenance throughout training.
Having a durable exercise bike can not only improve your machine’s lifespan but also go a long way in ensuring your confidence atop the profile itself. A stable indoor cycle can alleviate worries of wobbling or imbalances, helping you stay upright more easily and allowing you to focus on hitting your mileage or speed goals without too much worry.
All Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes, including the four listed in this guide, feature durable steel frames that can support athletes up to 275 pounds. While larger individuals may need to search for a more supportive frame design, these cost-effective bikes should be more than enough for the average athlete.
In our personal trials, we’ve experienced little to no imbalances, so while we can’t speak for every body type, our time with these fitness machines has been nothing but positive.
Your exercise bike’s resistance system is what can help you toggle your training intensity up or down, depending on your goals and feelings on a given day. Some digitally-controlled bikes can feature settings adjustments across their display, allowing for quick, intuitive changes to your workout difficulty.
Other, more simplified systems will see you turn a tension knob to create more or less resistance across your flywheel. This style of training resistance may be less advanced, but can also lead to a more fine-tuned setup.
Our tester riding the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002 exercise bike
All of the Sunny Health and Fitness bikes in this guide utilize a tension knob system to adjust the level of friction either across their implanted felt or leather pads, or via the magnetic unit near the flywheel.
Benefits of Indoor Cycling
According to Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC, there are a number of benefits that can come from adding an exercise bike, like one of these Sunny Health and Fitness units, to your home gym setup. Outside of the (natural) ability to get your daily miles in without fear of unpleasant weather or dealing with daily traffic, indoor cycling can also be a helpful, low-impact discipline that can be easier on your joints and frame than other cardio modalities.
Below are some extra details outlining some of the key perks that make exercise bikes such a popular home gym must-have.
Low-Impact Training
Unlike with running, where you’re constantly lifting your feet off the ground and landing aggressively on the pavement or treadmill belt, indoor cycling keeps you in constant contact with the machine. Your feet never leave the pedals as you push toward your speed or mileage goals, which, in turn, can help you lessen the shock absorption felt across your joints during training. As a result, you can achieve your cardiovascular training while keeping your entire frame more comfortable. (1)
Indoor cycling can also be a great solution for caloric burn and can actually be more efficient than other popular modalities. For example, studies have found that a 185-pound athlete can burn up to 441 calories in 30 minutes of vigorous activity with an indoor stationary bike. (5) For reference, an athlete at the same weight may only burn up to 420 calories if jogging at a respectable pace of 10 minutes per mile. (5)
More Accommodating Training Conditions
Of course, indoor cycling’s closest comparison would be on-road cycling, but hitting the roadways and trails can sometimes be more of a burden (albeit a more scenic way to get your miles in each day). You need to plan your routes to accommodate traffic, which can be intimidating for some, especially athletes that aren’t as skilled on a bike.
Capritto states, “Indoor exercise bikes provide access to cycling no matter the weather or outdoor conditions. Many people do not feel safe cycling outside. As someone who lived in Miami and trained for triathlons there, riding outside can be brutally terrifying for city dwellers. An exercise bike eliminates traffic as a reason to skip your session, so it can be someone’s golden ticket to exercising more frequently.”
Indoor cycling also eliminates the need to worry about impending weather. You don’t need to plan your workouts around potential rainstorms, or even daylight hours, for that matter. Your ride is kept comfortably in your room of choice where you can completely control your training conditions with your home thermostat.
Yes, you are confined to fewer views and scapes that can make on-road cycling a true treat, but we’re willing to sacrifice the setting every now and again if it means we won’t be caught in a torrential downpour midway through a ride.
Sunny Health & Fitness Exercise Bikes, Side by Side
We won’t lie — the four Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes in this review are very similar, and differentiating between the silhouettes based on a coded product name can be difficult (even for us). To help paint a clearer picture of what separates these indoor cycles from one another, we’ve outlined their key metrics below.
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1002
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1879
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B901
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1995
Resistance Type:
Friction with leather pad
Friction with felt pad
Friction with felt pad
Belt drive
Belt drive
Chain drive
Belt drive
Flywheel Weight:
Product Weight:
Weight Capacity:
Product Dimensions:
53.94” L X 19.1” W X 44.49” H
49” L X 22” W X 50.5” H
46.5” L X 18” W X 46” H
49.5” L X 20” W X 49” H
As you can see, these four bikes are near identical when it comes to price, with three out of the four coming in at roughly $400. The SF-B1879 is the most expensive at $619.99, but does come equipped with the smoother magnetic resistance system. This feature can require less maintenance over time, hence the higher upfront cost.
The SF-B1002, SF-B901, and SF-B1995 all feature a friction-based resistance system, with the SF-B1002 using leather over the more traditional felt pads. This material can withstand more use and abuse than felt, but will need to be replaced or maintained to ensure the friction remains as tacky as possible. In the end, you’ll need to think about how much upkeep you’ll want to deal with within your fitness regimen.
In terms of the driveline, the SF-B901 employs a chain drive over a belt drive. This can be helpful for athletes that want the feel of an on-road bicycle chain, but the heavier component can lead to a louder riding experience overall.
If you need to plan your workouts around napping children or other housemates, we’d recommend a belt-driven exercise bike, as these are traditionally quieter than other options. A belt-drive system may also require less maintenance over time.
Our tester moving the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002 exercise bike into position for a workout
All of these bikes feature a heavier flywheel, with only the SF-B1879 dropping below 30 pounds. Having a heavier flywheel can be beneficial when looking to maintain your pace more efficiently throughout a session. Be mindful, though, that heavier flywheels can make the entire silhouette more difficult to move, which leads into the next metric — overall weight.
Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes are relatively lightweight, with total masses ranging from 88.2 to 110.8 pounds. Plus, all of these indoor cycles feature front transport wheels that can help when trying to maneuver the machines into position for a workout. Think about how much effort you’d like to put into getting your bike ready for a session, and take your personal strength into consideration when looking at how light or heavy your exercise bike of choice is.
With weight capacities each at 275 pounds, you can expect a similar experience from each of these exercise bikes in terms of stability. This weight capacity can be helpful in keeping your balances as you push through toward your goals. If a 275-pound weight capacity isn’t enough, there are many options on the market that support between 300 and 350 pounds, though they will likely cost more than these Sunny Health and Fitness profiles.
Lastly, the product dimensions can vary slightly between these bikes, but you can generally expect a swath of floor that’s less than your standard coffee table. (2)
It’s always a good idea, though, to measure your available space and look for a unit that fits comfortably within your area. We also recommend planning for some wiggle room across the front and sides of your exercise bike to make getting on and off the unit less of a cramped ordeal.
Places to Buy Sunny Health & Fitness Exercise Bikes
Along with the brand’s roster of budget-friendly treadmills, recumbent bikes, and more, Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes are available online from the brand’s retail site as well as Amazon.
Customer Experience
Ordering a Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bike can be a quick and painless endeavor. The brand offers free shipping to help alleviate any transport costs, along with a 30-day money-back guarantee. In terms of warranties, each Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bike is supported by a 3-year structural frame coverage, as well as 180-day support for other parts and components.
We also appreciate how Sunny Health and Fitness offers financing options through Affirm, which can help those tight on finances get their new training tool while spacing out payments over a given timeframe.
Athletes shopping on Amazon are also supported when it comes to Sunny Health and Fitness products. These silhouettes are eligible for refunds, returns, and replacements through the third-party retailer’s coverage.
Plus, eligible Prime members can potentially save on shipping, too, with quick transports to keep downtime low between finalizing your cart and getting into the saddle for your first ride.
Company Information
Founded in 2002, Sunny Health and Fitness has been making high-quality fitness equipment that caters to budding home gym enthusiasts and elite professionals. The brand’s emphasis on craftsmanship, performance, and affordability make them a solid option for home gym equipment, including treadmills, recumbent bikes, indoor stationary bikes, and more.
To contact the Sunny Health and Fitness brand, you have multiple options at your disposal. The brand’s site has a live chat feature, or you can reach them through their support center ( or via phone (1-877-90SUNNY).
In Conclusion
In the realm of affordable fitness equipment, Sunny Health and Fitness has staked its claim as a reputable brand for athletes, with their roster of exercise bikes rivaling the performance of other worthwhile profiles from the likes of brands like Peloton, Schwinn, NordicTrack, and others. The four exercise bikes in this guide — the SF-B1002, SF-B1879, SF-B901, and SF-B1995 — are some of our favorites of the bunch, each with their own beneficial perks and features.
When looking for an exercise bike for your own space, be sure to consider the flywheel weight, overall dimensions, and weight capacity. Opting for a magnetic resistance system over a friction-based design can also be beneficial, especially if you need to be mindful of other house dwellers. The four bikes in this Sunny Health and Fitness review may not be for everyone, but they can certainly be a jumping off point for your newfound at-home cardio interests.
Is Sunny Health and Fitness a good brand?
Sunny Health and Fitness products are excellent options for budget-minded athletes that want a good sense of performance at affordable prices. We’ve listed many of the brand’s treadmills, exercise bikes, and other fitness machines as some of our favorites across various round-ups and reviews. While these machines aren’t the most tech-heavy units, and some do come with a lower weight capacity, if you’re looking for budget-friendly silhouettes to add to your home gym, Sunny Health and Fitness can be a good bet.
Where are Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes made?
While products are shipped from Los Angeles, California, Sunny Health and Fitness products are manufactured in Taiwan or China.
How much do Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes cost?
While the final price can vary from model to model, a majority of Sunny Health and Fitness exercise bikes feature price tags below $1,000. For reference, the four bikes included in this guide hover around $400, with the SF-B1879 model being the most expensive at $619.99 given its integrated magnetic resistance system.
Bueckert, S. (2020, January 21). Magnetic resistance vs. other types of resistance for cycle bikes – wh. Sunny Health and Fitness.
Bueckert, S. (2021, October 6). Exercise bikeflywheel weight: Heavy or lightweight comparison. Sunny Health and Fitness.
Coffee table size: How to choose the right coffee table dimensions. Wayfair. (n.d.).
Harvard Medical School. (2021, March 8). Calories burned in 30 minutes of leisure and routine activities. Harvard Health.
Oja, P., Titze, S., Bauman, A., de Geus, B., Krenn, P., Reger‐Nash, B., & Kohlberger, T. (2011). Health benefits of Cycling: A Systematic Review. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 21(4), 496–509.
Gillon details her methodical approach to building bigger legs.
Last updated on April 3rd, 2024
On March 28, 2024, seven-time and reigning Figure Olympia champion Cydney Gillon published a video on her YouTube channel sharing tips on designing a lower body workout to maximize results.
The video targets lifters who train their legs once per week. Gillon balances hamstring and quad exercises for optimal strength and muscle development with the following sample programming:
While performing lower body compound movements, Gillon adjusts her stance and form to shift between biasing the quads or the hamstrings.
When performing leg presses, Gillon positions her feet lower on the foot platform and drives with the heels during concentrics to bias the quads. She places her feet toward the platform’s top and pushes through the toes during concentrics to target the hamstrings.
When I have three hamstring exercises, I do a curl, stretch, and general contraction.
Leg presses emphasize the stretch, and V-squats and lying hamstring curls target the contraction.
Gillon advises against pausing after each rep to minimize rest and maximize muscle stimulation when performing walking lunges. The 32-year-old recommends rotating lunge exercises to keep workouts interesting (i.e., target the muscles from different angles and prevent strength and muscle plateaus).
Gillon alternates between walking lunges, reverse lunges, and Bulgarian split squats. She recommends using dumbbells or an aerobic stepper to make the exercises more challenging.
Unilateral lunges can help build a weaker leg and balance strength with the more dominant leg.
The Georgia native Gillon kept her feet shoulder-width apart and toes dorsiflexed throughout the range of motion (ROM). The Georgia native drove her hips and quads into the pad during the concentrics to peak contraction.
Gillon highlighted that the correct form optimizes results and significantly reduces the risk of injuries.
Romanian Deadlifts & V-Squats
Gillon grabbed dumbbells with a pronated grip and initiated the RDLs by hinging at the hips and pushing her glutes back for a deep hamstring stretch at the bottom.
Gillon revealed she hasn’t performed a conventional barbell back squat since 2019, preferring to squat on the V-squat machine, which limits the strain on the lower back.
Leg Extensions
“You can start with the leg extensions or use them as a finisher,” said Gillon. “I’m going to the ROM that allows me to get a deep stretch at the bottom and then push back up to get the peak contraction at the top.”
Gillon recommends placing the legs together to bias the vastus lateralis (quad sweep) or using a wide stance to load the vastus medialis and rectus femoris.
Gillon will defend her Figure Olympia title at the 2024 Olympia, scheduled for Oct. 10-13 in Las Vegas, NV. Should she win again, her victory would tie her with legends Lee Haney, Ronnie Coleman, and Lenda Murray, each boasting eight Olympia titles.
So ready for a vacay and this is the skort I’ll be wearing on the plane, exploring the city, hiking, riding ATV’s, and whale watching, while eating everything my heart desires! Oh and you bet I can even dress it up for a night out (comes in black).
I’m serious when I tell you that it is my most comfortable POPFLEX skort ever.
Telander takes a look at Gyllenhaal’s training plan ahead of the iconic 1989 action movie.
Last updated on April 2nd, 2024
Actor Jake Gyllenhaal is a chameleon. Not literally — in 2024’s Roadhouse, Gyllenhaal morphs into Elwood Dalton, a former MMA fighter turned hired muscle for a roadside bar. Gyllenhall is no stranger to physique transformations for film roles, but he stepped into the shoes of Dalton’s previous actor, Patrick Swayze, looking absolutely peeled.
And he has to be. After all, Gyllenhaal tangles with renowned MMA superstar Conor McGregor on screen. On March 28, strength coach and combat sports enthusiast Zack Telander took to YouTube to critique Gyllenhaal’s Roadhouse workout routine:
Telander deftly separates the worthwhile workout principles from, as he puts it, “weaponized specificity,” a term he coined to describe the idea that an athlete’s training should exactly resemble the sport they’re training for.
BarBend spoke with Telander to pick his brain on where he believes Gyllenhaal’s time in the gym was well spent and where it fell short.
About the Expert
Zack “Coach ZT” Telander is a Texas-based Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and veteran weightlifting coach with nearly a decade of experience training professional athletes and martial artists.
The Good & the Bad of Jake Gyllenhaal’s “Roadhouse” Workout Routine
Gyllenhaal trained under Los Angeles-based celebrity trainer Jason Walsh to prepare for the role. Walsh said Gyllenhaal needed “athleticism, resiliency, and overall strength” to portray Dalton authentically.
Gyllenhaal & Walsh spent most of their time mimicking the movement patterns that fighters perform regularly. But Telander thinks that, for athletes, the weight room is meant to shore up weaknesses via strength training, not replicate the training goal as closely as possible:
If you’re training for a sport, you’re already getting a lot of specific practice. Progressive overload occurs on the mats.
To that end, we asked Telander about the major strengths and weaknesses of Gyllenhaal’s Roadhouse workouts:
3 Good Aspects of Gyllenhaal’s Workout Routine
According to Telander, Gyllenhaal’s Roadhouse workouts succeed in three major ways. There’s an emphasis on constant movement, a high importance on general athleticism, and the workouts keep Gyllenhaal’s heart rate elevated.
“Walsh does a good job of keeping Gyllenhaal focused,” Telander says. “It’s a very underrated aspect of coaching — cueing the athlete well without constantly stopping them to adjust their form.”
Telander believes that Walsh succeeds in keeping Gyllenhaal “in the zone” in a way that works synergistically with his acting. “He’s learning his part in the gym, even though he’s not really acting during his workouts.”
Walsh’s workouts keep Gyllenhaal’s heart rate up high. Telander appreciates this because it ensures he burns lots of calories to lean out without doing too much cardio.
However, no training plan is perfect. Walsh and Gyllenhaal produced a spectacular on-screen result, but Telander urges caution to anyone wanting to replicate the Roadhouse training style.
Telander wished to see more cohesion in the design of the workouts. “What we see is just a snippet, but I often notice celebrity workouts utilizing too many flashy exercises that could be accomplished with one solid compound exercise,” he notes.
Telander also believes this plan may have too much variability, saying, “There doesn’t seem to be enough time spent on each aspect of athleticism to ensure that Gyllenhaal is adapting and progressing.”
There’s also an apparent lack of progressive overload to the Roadhouse workouts. “Many trainers fail to track their clients’ progress over time, or they use movements that are hard to track progress on in the first place,” Telander notes.
Zack Telander wants YOU … to train with a full range of motion, whether you’re a combat sports athlete or a regular athlete in the gym. “The biggest thing any athlete can benefit from is progressively overloaded, large range-of-motion movements,” he says. These are your barbell or dumbbell squats, rows, presses, etc.
Why? Telander explains that combat sports athletes need to learn to control their joints rather than mobilize them: “Martial artists are usually very flexible by default, so I prefer to help them learn how to control all that range of motion against a fixed load. I tend to avoid using hyper-sport-specific moves in the weight room since the athlete is getting that skill work in anyway.”
In short, if you want to adopt some of Gyllenhaal and Walsh’s training principles for your own workouts, Telander is a fan. But he thinks you should proceed with caution and focus on:
Using the weight room as an opportunity to strengthen your weaknesses with exercise that differs from your primary sport.
Training through large ranges of motion whenever possible.
Use bilateral (two-limbed) and unilateral (single leg or arm) strength training exercises, and keep your rest times relatively short to ensure your heart stays pumping — as long as it doesn’t detract from your strength or focus.
All that said, Telander can’t guarantee you’ll leave the gym looking as ripped as Gyllenhaal did during his on-screen brawls. But you can incorporate some of his workout principles to ensure your own workouts pack a punch. Roadhouse premiered on Amazon Prime on Mar. 8, 2024.
Ansley acknowledged height discrepancies in Classic Physique and plans to compete in the 212 division.
Last updated on April 2nd, 2024
In March 2024, two-time Classic Physique Olympia champ Breon Ansley showcased his physique at the 2024 Arnold Classic in Ohio, where he ranked fourth overall. Two weeks later, he competed to a runner-up at the 2024 Arnold Classic UK.
Ansley shared how he is utilizing judges’ feedback and why he plans to switch to the 212 divisionin 2025 in a video published on his YouTube channel. Check it out below:
Ansley reflected on his journey the 2024 Arnold Classic, where he aimed for another victory similar to his triumph at the Arnold Classic in 2018. Ansley feels he presented one of his best physiques to date, surpassing the version that clinched him the 2018 title. He highlighted his narrow waist as a standout feature.
Ansley achieved his refined waistline by addressing digestive issues, which had been exacerbated by pre-workout powders and similar supplements, which led to acid reflux and inflammation. Eliminating those things from his regimen during the pre-season marked a significant improvement.
Despite the dietary adjustements, Ansley finished fourth in Columbus, OH, attributing the rank to the Classic Physique division’s evolving standards, which favor taller competitors with specific conditioning. Per the judge’s feedback, Ansley needs to achieve a fuller look for future competitions.
While Ansley concurs with the judges’ opinions, he outlined why a taller athlete will make their weight advantage more apparent.
“I probably agree with the judges, that if I’m 190 pounds on stage, then a taller guy at 230, 240, [or] 245 is going to look considerably bigger than me,” says Ansley. “He has a lot bigger structure and a lot more muscle, and the eyes are going to be drawn to the taller guy.”
Ansley reveals he entered the 2024 Arnold Classic UK at 194 pounds, nearly 10 pounds heavier than his weight the Ohio competition. This significant weight increase contributed to his impressive second-place finish.
Despite preferring his physique at the Arnold Classic US, Ansley admits that the closer timing of the two events necessitated some compromises in his conditioning. Specifically, he mentions a slight decline in his glutes and lower back conditioning for the UK event. However, he believes his enhanced muscularity and density suit the UK show’s requirements more favorably.
Ansley’s Plans for the Future
Consequently, Ansley decided to adopt a more comprehensive approach to his competitions throughout the year. Ansley intends to participate in a minimum of three events in addition to the Olympia this year.
Best believe the rest of this year as I compete, it’s going to be a fuller look…no matter what [or] who I’m up against.
Ansley announced 2024 will be his final year in the Classic Physique division. He attributes his departure to a difference in perspective regarding what the Classic Physique division represents. Ansley believes judges tend to favor taller competitors’ shape and structure and that density, conditioning, details, lines, symmetry, balance, and flow, are somewhat secondary.
Ansley believes the additional allotted weight at his height in the 212 division will allow him to add the high-quality muscle mass needed to score the top spot at the Olympia.
“If I’m on stage at 190-four, five, [or] six pounds with Classic, then with three to five pounds of extra tissue, I’ll be on stage at around…204, 205, [or] 206 [pounds],” said Ansley. “That’s just around six to seven pounds away from the cap, so that puts it all in perspective, and those are the plans.”
It’s not all about the bench press. Chest flyes are one of my most commonly programmed upper body exercises for a reason. The pectoralis major is a massive muscle, and just pressing won’t build the shirt-popping pecs you might be aiming for. For maximum chest hypertrophy, chest flyes are going to come in handy.
The chest flye is a versatile move you can do with an array of equipment. You’ve got the classic dumbbell flye, but you can also use cables or machines. Each has its own benefits to mesh with your programming, but let’s start with the basics. Here’s how to use a chest flye machine (and why you should).
What Is a Chest Flye?
The chest flye is an upper body movement that targets the pec and anterior delt muscles. It pairs well with exercises such as the bench press or chest press machine to help build muscle in a bodybuilding routine.
Where presses typically use higher loads to stimulate your pectoral muscles, the chest flye aims for a wide range of motion and a longer lever to produce maximum muscle activation. You don’t necessarily need a huge load to do that — just some resistance, carefully controlled at chest height.
The chest flye keeps your arms long with a slight bend in the elbow. From there, you’ll perform a long sweeping motion with the end result looking like a big hug. Once I know my clients can use proper form, I’ll typically program the chest flye for higher repetitions to take advantage of the large arcing range of motion — and that sweet pump in the front of your chest.
How to Use a Chest Flye Machine
The chest flye machine is one of the best tools to build muscle. Here’s how to use it step-by-step.
Adjust the seat height of the machine such that when you sit down the handles rest at approximately armpit height.
Rotate to grab each handle individually and bring them together in front of the body, interlocking your fingers to hold the position tight.
Sit on the machine with your posture tall, resting against the back pad. This is your starting position.
Release the interlocking fingers and control the eccentric. You’re aiming to get a deep stretch in the chest muscles.
Briefly pause while stretching your pecs before starting the first concentric portion (“hugging” your arms back up to the starting position). Repeat for repetitions.
Make it Easier: Practice the motion with cables or a resistance band secured behind you before locking into the set position of the machine. This will help you learn which way to best adjust the machine height for your body.
Make it Harder: Try to incorporate pauses at the end ranges of motion, but without letting the range extend so far that you’re recruiting your biceps and delts. Remember, this is an isolation exercise.
Coach’s Tip: Make sure you’re stopping the eccentric before feeling your biceps or delts take some of the stretch away from your chest.
Tips for Using the Chest Flye Machine
The chest flye machine is a fantastic tool for making massive chest gains. Choosing the right variation, using tempo, and aiming for a high rep sets count are excellent ways to improve progress.
Choose the Right Variation
There are many ways to perform the chest flye, and the machine is one of my favorites for my clients. Although the machine chest flye is highly stable and helps you get as close to temporary muscle failure as possible, it isn’t the only way to perform the exercise.
Depending on your goal or available equipment, machines, cables, or dumbbells are solid options for this move. Sometimes a pre-set machine doesn’t quite match your body dimensions. Each alternative allows you to tailor the load and execution to best match your needs. Don’t feel like you have to use the machine just because other folks do.
Use Tempo
Tempo is a fantastic way to ensure quality control over the chest flye. What we mean by tempo is, in this case, slowing the lowering portion of the movement down and even pausing at the end of your range of motion. With such a long lever and a high probability of some burning muscles, tempo helps keep the tension right where we want it.
Tempo is a good way to scale load for any experience level, mind you. When you’re just starting out, it helps teach you proper form. And when more advanced lifters are fatigued from a hard bench press session or just accumulating fatigue from weeks of hard training, tempo training is a smart tool for preserving our technique. It can help you avoid common mistakes like rushing through this movement or displacing load into your biceps or triceps.
Aim for Reps
The major difference between the chest flye and other upper body exercises is the long lever it uses to create the challenge. The chest press, for example, is a bent-arm exercise that’s typically loaded much heavier. With your arms extended and using a large sweeping motion, the chest flye is much more difficult with less weight.
To best stimulate your chest without breaking down technique, aiming for higher repetitions is a solid strategy. Where some of your heavier exercises — think, the dumbbell bench press — may land around six to eight reps per set, the chest flye is usually best suited around 10 to 15 reps, or possibly more if you’re chasing failure using a machine.
Machine Flye Vs. Dumbbell Flye Vs. Cable Flye Vs. Pec Deck
With the fundamentals of the chest flye accounted for, there are a handful of different variations and alternatives to choose from. Each has solid merit depending on your goal or the gym equipment you have on hand. Over my long career as a personal trainer, the machine flye, dumbbell flye, cable flye, and pec deck have all appeared in my programming for clients at some stage or another. Here’s a quick breakdown.
Machine Flye
Highly stable, fixed range of motion machine.
Excellent loading increments for slow and steady progress.
Beginner-friendly (enforces movement path) but also great for advanced athletes (helps hit failure safely).
Less stable than the machine, requiring you to control the range of motion yourself.
Highly loadable, but less forgiving with incremental jumps.
Quite accessible — most gyms have dumbbells, but not all have machines.
Cable Flye
A good intermediate between machine and dumbbell chest flyes.
Semi-stable range of motion but still challenges your control.
Extremely customizable for each body type and size.
Requires a dual cable stack station and correct handles.
Pec Dec
A unique piece of equipment that hits the chest similar to a chest flye.
Uses a “short lever” flye technique. The load is placed at the elbow with a bent arm instead of in the hand in an extended position.
More loadable than the typical chest flye because of its stability and short lever.
Older-school and a bit less common.
For Strength
For building absolute strength there are going to be other chest exercises that I’ll program with higher priority, but the chest flye is still useful here.
The machine flye is great because of the stability it offers. It’s got a higher loading potential because the machine helps keep us safe.
Dumbbells are one of the best tools for strength because they force you to stabilize the load yourself and also get super heavy.
Cables allow some of the best precision for set-up and execution, so there is no wasted energy.
The pec deck is a great blending of all of these benefits — a highly stable and loadable machine.
The Winner: Each option has its merit, but for pure strength, I’d have my clients go with the pec deck. The machine stability and load that we’re able to program make it hard to beat for absolute strength.
For Muscle Growth
Muscle growth is about a few key factors — getting the target tissue close to temporary failure and staying safe while doing it.
The machine flye stands out here because of the stability and range of motion it offers. The machine-based stability makes it a lot easier for you to get close to muscle failure and stimulate a ton of growth.
Dumbbells are a bit more challenging for pure muscle growth. Where they have a high ceiling for load, they are also one of the harder implements to control.
Cable machines provide a great mix of stability and customization. The semi-stable range of motion keeps you a bit safer in the hard reps but also allows each body size and shape more customizable options and exercise angles to generate massive gains.
The pec deck holds its own but also is a bit confining. It is a much more compact machine than even the chest flye version, making it a bit harder to recommend here.
The Winner: This one is a tie between machine and cable chest flyes. The machine version is excellent for driving pure stimulation to your pecs, but the cable version is undeniable in its ability to customize for every lifter.
For Customization
Individualizing exercise is one of the keys to my programming — both for myself and my clients. Each of the options for chest flye variations is an opportunity to choose the best tool for the job, but which offers the most customization?
The machine flye is pretty good here. It allows you to tailor the seat height and even somewhat the arm path by bending the elbow more or less, but overall the machine flye is in a pretty fixed range of motion.
Dumbbells are extremely customizable because they are a unilateral exercise. One issue, however, is the stability demands and potentially unforgiving jumps in load.
Cables are a great go-to for customization. Where pure rigid machine versions of exercise allow you to just push to failure, cables tend to be a middle ground where you need to stabilize a bit, too. Still, a positive trade-off is extreme customization.
The pec deck is similar to the machine flye in that it is a highly stable but structured range of motion. Where it loses out a bit more here is that it is a more compact machine, making it potentially a bit more prohibitive in terms of range of motion and arm position.
The Winner: Cable flyers are the gold standard for customization. With each handle, you can tailor the height, arm path, and width. So, we’d be hard-pressed to find a better solution.
Now that we know what the machine chest flye is and how to do it, here are some frequently asked questions.
Are chest flye machines good?
Machine chest flyes are legendary tools for pectoral development. They let you do highly stimulating sets that bring the pecs close to failure without a ton of risk. Since the machine itself is keeping our range of motion stable, we’re able to stay more focused on pure effort and gains.
How do you set up a chest flye machine?
The major keys to setting up the chest flye machine are to adjust the seat height so the handles rest about armpit level. From there, aim to keep your back against the pad and drive with your legs to hold the right position.
Why when I do chest workouts do I feel it in my arms only and not in my chest?
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you’ll want to be on alert here. Many of your big chest exercises are compound movements — meaning they use many muscle groups simultaneously. This means that the chest, the pecs, delts, and arms are all involved in certain exercises.
This is neither good nor bad, assuming you’ve set it up correctly. The chest should still be getting worked, but you might just feel the arms fatigue more because they’re smaller muscle groups.
However, if you’re feeling a chest workout much more in your arms than your chest, it might mean you need to adjust your form, improve your mind-muscle connection with your chest, and/or strengthen your arms more so they don’t become a huge limiting factor in your chest exercises.
Before you start your cable chest workouts, try squeezing a dumbbell or yoga block at chest level with your hands, activating your chest as hard as you can. This can help you stay connected to the right muscle groups during your session.
To continue training your chest without as much interference from your smaller muscles, you may want to add in exercises like the machine chest flye to more specifically train the chest and minimize arm involvement.