Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup: January 19


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Product Of The Week

::: Enhance Performance, Comfort, and Mobility With Vibrant Blue Oils’ Fascia™ Essential Oil Blend :::

Ever feel like you’re doing everything right for your health and fitness routine, but something’s still off?

The missing piece of the puzzle may just be your fascia — the intricate web of connective tissue that’s more crucial to your well-being than you might realize.

Healthy fascia can support detoxification, improve your energy flow, absorb much-needed nutrients, and restore hormonal balance.

Here’s a fascinating fact: your fascia is connected to everything — every organ, nerve, gland, and cell in your body, acting as your internal communication network.

But when stress hits, this network tightens up, trapping toxins, trauma, and all sorts of junk inside your tissues, jamming things up and blocking the good stuff from getting in. That, my friend, can leave you stuck in a state of discomfort and disease, where you’re in pain, stiff, and unable to perform well or recover from exercise.

Now here’s the good news: there’s a way to hit the “reset button” on your fascia, and it’s simpler than you think. Enter a proprietary, all-natural solution: Vibrant Blue Oils’ Fascia™ Essential Oil Blend.

In mere seconds, this blend works its magic by signaling your fascia to relax and let go, allowing your body to release all those physical and emotional toxins.

The result? A cascade of health benefits that can transform how you feel, move, and function every day.

Haven’t used essential oils in the past to ease wound-up muscles and joints? It’s non-invasive, super easy to use, and has already helped thousands find relief from pain, gain more energy, and generally feel outstanding.

The best part is that you don’t have to overhaul your entire routine to see results. Just a few seconds a day of applying this blend of powerful oils — which includes Angelica root, frankincense, lavender, elemi, geranium, vetiver, and others — can make a world of difference.


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The Best 8 Stretches to Do Before a Run, According to a CPT


The sun is shining, you’re lacing up your running shoes, and you’re ready to head out and clear your mind on a run. Before you go, taking a few minutes to do a dynamic warm-up can help you prepare your heart, joints, muscles, tissues, and mind for a fantastic run — and potentially help prevent running injuries. 

We’ve got the best stretches to do before a run to warm up all your running muscles. We’ll explain each of them and give you a sample warm-up routine you can do before every run to set you up for miles. 

Pre-Run Stretches

  1. Dynamic Quad Stretch
  2. Dynamic Hamstring Stretch
  3. Dynamic Wall Calf Stretch
  4. Forward Lunge
  5. Side Lunge
  6. Front-to-Back and Lateral Leg Swing
  7. High Knees
  8. Butt Kick

1. Dynamic Quad Stretch

Equipment Needed wall
Muscles Worked quads
Sets & Reps 1 – 2 x 10 (3-second hold) alternating per side

Why Do It: Your quadriceps play a key role in running — they straighten your knees and assist in hip flexion and knee stabilization. Warming them up by doing these movements in a dynamic quad stretch helps prepare them for proper running form

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Stand near a wall if you need support. 
  2. Shift your weight onto your left foot. Touch the wall with your left hand. Bend your right knee and bring your right foot toward your right glute. Grab your right ankle with your right hand. Feel the stretch in your quads and hip flexors. Hold for two to three seconds.
  3. Step your right foot down. Repeat for 10 more reps.
  4. Turn around to switch sides and perform 10 dynamic quad stretches on your left quad.

How Often to Do This Stretch: You can do this stretch before every run. 


  • Make it Easier: Hold on to something stable for more balance rather than just touching a wall. 
  • Make it Harder: Perform this without the wall for a balance challenge.

Coach’s Tip: Keep your hips in line with each other and squeeze your glutes to maintain stability.

2. Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

[Read More: The 17 Best Lower Body Exercises to Level-Up Your Leg Day]

Equipment Needed shoes (optional)
Muscles Worked hamstrings
Sets & Reps 1 – 2 x 8 – 10 per side

Why Do It: When you run, your hamstrings work with your quads and perform the opposite functions — bending your knees and extending your hips. Warming them up in a dynamic hamstring stretch is crucial to a holistic pre-run warmup for your lower body. They can also help loosen up your lower back.

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. 
  2. Step your left foot forward with your left heel on the ground and toes pointing up. Elevate your foot on a yoga block, box, or chair for extra-tight hamstrings. Hang your arms by your sides.
  3. Hinge your hips back and keep a slight bend in your right knee. Keep your core engaged and back straight. Feel the stretch in the back of your right leg and scoop your arms down toward your left foot. Stand back up and reach your arms up. Relax your arms by your sides and return your left foot to the starting position.
  4. Switch legs to perform on your right side. Alternate for eight to ten reps per side.

How Often to Do This Stretch: Perform this stretch before every run.


  • Make it Easier: Elevate your foot on a chair.
  • Make it Harder: Hold for two to three seconds at the bottom with your back straight and core engaged.

Coach’s Tip: Your hands don’t need to reach your foot — keep your core engaged and only go as far as you can hinge your hips.

3. Dynamic Wall Calf Stretch

Jake doing the wall calf stretch.
Equipment Needed wall or rack
Muscles Worked calves
Sets & Reps 1 – 2 x 8 – 10 per side

Why Do It: Your calf muscles assist in ankle plantarflexion; in other words, they help lift your heel and propel your foot forward when you run. Stretching (and strengthening) your calves can affect your gait and improve your running form. Tight calf muscles can also restrict ankle mobility, so a pre-run dynamic calf stretch may boost their range of motion.

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright and face a wall. Place both hands on the wall.
  2. Step your right foot back behind you. Keep your right leg straight and your heel down.
  3. Bend your left knee toward the wall. Feel the stretch in your right calf. Hold for two to three seconds.
  4. Step your right foot forward. Switch legs, stepping your left leg back to stretch your left calf. Hold for two to three seconds. Continue alternating sides.

How Often to Do This Stretch: Perform this stretch before every run to warm up your calf muscles.


  • Make it Easier: Take a smaller step back or bend your front knee less.
  • Make it Harder: Take a bigger step back.

Coach’s Tip: The goal is to keep your back heel down so you can reduce how much you bend your front knee to make that happen.

4. Forward Lunge

A person doing the lunge.
Equipment Needed bodyweight, space for walking (optional)
Muscles Worked quads, glute medius
Sets & Reps 2 x 6 – 8 per side

[Read More: How to Balance Running and Strength Training, No Matter Your Goals]

Why Do It: Next, we’ll get into some warm-up exercises to really “activate” your muscles in addition to dynamically stretching them. The forward lunge works multiple muscle groups that you’ll use in running while stretching your quadriceps on your back leg. They also help activate your glute medius on your front leg to stabilize your knee — another important muscle for running performance.

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your core to stand tall.
  2. Step your left foot forward. Keep your left foot on the floor and lift your right heel. Bend both knees to a 90-degree angle. Keep your right leg a little bit more straight if necessary. Squeeze your glutes. Feel the stretch in your right quadriceps. 
  3. Straighten both legs and return your left foot to the starting position. Step your right foot forward to repeat the forward lunge on your other side.
  4. Continue alternating sides.

How Often to Do This Stretch: You can do these before a run or as part of a strength training workout to support running performance. 


  • Make it Easier: Bend your knees less or hold on to something for support.
  • Make it Harder: Progress to walking lunges, staying in the same sets and reps scheme.

Coach’s Tip: Keep your front knee tracking out to avoid knee valgus; this will also work your glute medius.

5. Side Lunge

A person doing the lateral lunge.
Equipment Needed space
Muscles Worked glute medius, adductors, lower body
Sets & Reps 2 x 6 – 8 per side

Why Do It: The side lunge, or lateral lunge, is a great warm-up exercise that activates and strengthens your glute medius on your working leg while stretching your adductors (or inner thighs) on the other side. The glute medius and adductors tend to be neglected muscles; both are key to running performance. The side lunge also works your entire lower body in the frontal plane of movement.

Equipment Needed: You’ll need enough space to step out to the side. 

Sets and Reps: Perform one to two sets of six to eight lunges per side.

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Reach your arms out in front of you or clasp your hands at your chest.
  2. Step your left leg out to the side. Bend your left knee as you hinge your left hip back, and let your torso come forward.
  3. Push off the floor to stand back up and return your left foot to the starting position. 
  4. Switch legs and repeat with your right leg. Continue alternating side lunges.

How Often to Do This Stretch: Do these before a run, or load them up and incorporate them for some unilateral training on leg day.


  • Make it Easier: Shorten the range of motion, and don’t hinge and bend too much.
  • Make it Harder: Continue bending your knee and hinging your hip to sit as low as possible.

Coach’s Tip: Be sure to sit back with a tall chest as you lunge.

6. Front-to-Back and Lateral Leg Swing

[Read More: The 6 Best Hamstring Stretches to Add to Your Routine]

Equipment Needed wall, squat stand or power rack, space
Muscles Worked hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, lower back, core
Sets & Reps 12 front-to-back leg swings + 12 side to side leg swings per leg

Why Do It: Leg swings — both front-to-back and lateral — are a fantastic addition to your pre-run warm-up. They increase blood flow and move your hips through their full range of motion in two planes of movement. Your hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, and adductors stretch and engage while loosening up your lower back, engaging your core, and preparing your body for the running movement pattern. 

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright beside a wall or sturdy object — a squat rack works well. Shift your weight onto your right foot. Place your right hand on the wall or object. Squeeze your glutes and engage your abs.
  2. Swing your left leg forward and backward, and keep it straight. Go as far as you can while maintaining your balance. Continue for 12 reps. Turn around to switch sides and repeat.
  3. Perform lateral leg swings next. Shift your weight onto your right foot and place your right hand on the wall. Swing your left leg across your body toward the wall and out to the side. Continue for 12 reps.
  4. Turn around to switch sides and perform lateral leg swings with your right leg.

How Often to Do This Stretch: You can perform these before every run.


  • Make it Easier: Bend your knee slightly on the swinging leg or decrease how high you go.
  • Make it Harder: Place your hands on your hips to challenge your balance and build stability on the standing leg.

Coach’s Tip: Avoid shifting your pelvis to compensate for the range of motion in your hips — however far you can swing while maintaining control is perfectly fine.

7. High Knees

[Read More: How To Build Stamina for Running: 6 Tips + Benefits]

Equipment Needed bodyweight, wall or object to hold onto for balance
Muscles Worked hip flexors, core
Sets & Reps 3 x 30 seconds

Why Do It: High knees are a great warm-up exercise that raise your heart rate and increase blood flow. They strengthen your hip flexors and core while preparing your body for the running movement pattern. High knees work multiple muscle groups and build coordination in your lower body.

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Reach your arms out in front of you, or hold on to something for more support. 
  2. Shift your weight onto your left foot. Bring your right knee up to tap your right arm. Step your right foot back down. Bring your left knee up to tap your left arm. Step your left foot back down.
  3. Continue alternating high knees slowly with plenty of core control.
  4. Increase your speed once you are comfortable. Go quicker to raise your heart rate.

How Often to Do This Stretch: Perform these as fast as possible before a run where you’re working on beating your time or running a faster mile.


  • Make it Easier: Hold on to something for balance and keep going slowly. Don’t raise your knees as high.
  • Make it Harder: Go as fast as possible while maintaining balance, getting your knees as high up as possible.

Coach’s Tip: You can keep going slow and controlled for more of a core workout

8. Butt Kick

[Read More: The 10 Best Leg Stretches to Bolster Your Lower Body Training]

Equipment Needed bodyweight, wall or object to hold onto for balance
Muscles Worked hamstrings, glutes, quads
Sets & Reps 3 x 30 seconds
Optional: 4 x alternating 30-second high knees + 30-second butt kicks

Why Do It: Butt kicks are another heart rate-raising warm-up exercise that will activate your hamstrings as your quadriceps stretch. Many people tend to have overactive quadriceps, so butt kicks are a great addition to your pre-run warm-up to make sure your hamstrings are equally firing. They’ll also work your glutes and increase blood flow to your lower body like a jogging pattern.

How to Do It:

  1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your abs and squeeze your glutes. Bend your elbows at your sides.
  2. Shift your weight onto your right foot. Bring your left heel to your left glute as you swing your right arm forward and left arm back. Step your left foot down. Kick your right heel to your right glute, swinging your arms again.
  3. Continue alternating butt kicks and swinging your opposite arms. Go slowly to find your balance.
  4. Pick up the pace so you feel you are jogging in place. Make a complete butt kick on each rep.

How Often to Do This Stretch: You can perform these before every run, especially when working on speed.


  • Make it Easier: Take it slow and focus on the hamstring contraction.
  • Make it Harder: Go as fast as possible, maintaining control.

Coach’s Tip: Actively squeeze your heel toward your glutes so you feel your hamstrings engage.

Benefits of Stretching Before a Run

Dynamic stretching before a run helps prepare your cardiovascular system, muscles, joints, and tissues for what’s to come. Here are the top benefits of adding a warm-up to your run routine.

Raises Heart Rate

One of the first physiological changes that occur when you begin movement is your heart rate rises. If you’ve been sitting at work and then start sprinting, you’re going from your resting heart rate too close to your max heart rate. It’s not always a bad thing, but dynamic stretching, especially dynamic warm-up exercises like lunges, high knees, and butt kicks, increases your heart rate gradually.

Your body temperature also rises, which helps to literally “warm up” your muscles.

Increases Blood Flow

As your heart rate increases and temperature rises, your blood flow also improves. Dynamic stretching increases blood flow to the muscles you’re stretching, which can lead to better running performance. (1)(2)

There is a popular claim that stretching before a run helps prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), but the evidence is limited. However, if you’re already sore, boosting blood flow to sore muscles before your run may help ease some stiffness.

[Read More: Jogging Vs. Running — What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter?]

Static stretching, where you hold a stretch for 20 to 30 seconds without moving, is commonly done during a cool-down and may better help alleviate soreness. Evidence is also mixed on whether post-run stretches in a cool-down reduce soreness, but the common element is that blood flow improves, which is still a plus for muscle health. (3)

Warms Up Your Range of Motion

Another common claim is that stretching increases your range of motion. A more helpful way of thinking about it is that performing dynamic stretching and sports-specific activities before a run warms up the range of motion you’ll be using. You’re rehearsing the movement you’ll be doing, which may help improve running performance.

  • A 2019 study found that dynamic stretching increased flexibility and reduced hamstring stiffness while increasing the range of motion at the knee. (4)
  • A 2012 study found that a dynamic warm-up increased quadriceps strength and flexibility of the hamstrings. (5)

May Reduce Risk of Injury

Unfortunately, running injuries are relatively common and can keep you out of your run routine longer than you’d like. Dynamic stretching may reduce your risk of injury, but again, evidence has been mixed on this popular idea. 

Running injuries can occur when some muscles aren’t firing as they should, leading to your joints taking on more impact. Improper running form can also increase your risk of injury to your ankles, knees, and hips.

A commonly overlooked muscle, the glute medius, is a frequent culprit. It’s a muscle in your glutes responsible for helping control your pelvis, externally rotate your hip, and stabilize your knees. 

[Read More: The 8 Best Foam Roller Exercises For Your Legs]

A systematic review and meta-analysis investigated this issue. It compared studies that measured glute medius activation in people suffering from common running injuries, including Achilles tendinopathy and patellofemoral pain syndrome. The analysis found that people with patellofemoral pain syndrome (knee pain) had significantly less glute medius activation while running. (6)

Strengthening your glute medius (and glutes, hips, and legs in general) outside of warm-ups is also key to preventing running injuries. Focusing on warm-up exercises that target your glutes, like forward, walking, or side lunges, may also help.

Sample Running Warm-Up

A good dynamic warm-up includes some dynamic stretching, muscle activation, and movement preparation for the specific activity you’ll be doing — in this case, running. (7)

Here’s a sample pre-run warm-up.

Exercise Sets Reps
Dynamic Quad Stretch 1 10 per side
Dynamic Hamstring Stretch 1 8 per side
Dynamic Wall Calf Stretch 1 8 per side
Exercise Sets Reps
Forward Lunge 2 6 per side
Side Lunge 2 6 per side
Exercise Sets Reps
Front-to-Back Leg Swings 1 12 per side
Lateral Leg Swings 1 12 per side
High Knees 3 30 seconds
Butt Kicks 3 30 seconds
Light Cardio: Easy Jog 1 5 – 10 minutes
*Alternative light cardio on an elliptical or bike 1 5- 10 minutes

Should You Stretch Before Every Run?

If you’re going from zero activity to running, doing dynamic stretches before every run is important. 

If you’re doing a quick sprint workout at the end of a lifting session, your muscles and body are already pretty warm. You may not need to go through an entire pre-run warm-up, but a few exercises for movement preparation could still be beneficial.


Let’s close out with some frequent questions about a pre-run stretching routine.

How long should you warm up before running? 

Your pre-run warm-up should take five to 15 minutes.

Does stretching before running really help? 

Stretching before running helps improve blood flow to your muscles, raises your heart rate gradually, prepares your joints to go through their range of motion, and activates the muscles you want to be working. Together, these things can help prevent injury and improve performance.

What is dynamic stretching and why is it better than static stretching before a run?

Dynamic stretching refers to moving through your range of motion; static stretching refers to holding a stretch position for longer. Research has shown that dynamic stretching is better before running because it can mimic the movements you’ll be doing in your activity. It can help increase your range of motion and reduce stiffness without overly fatiguing the muscles.


  1. Craig Leon , Hyun-Ju Oh & Sharon Rana (2012) A Purposeful Dynamic Stretching Routine, Strategies, 25:5, 16-19,
  2. Park HK, Jung MK, Park E, Lee CY, Jee YS, Eun D, Cha JY, Yoo J. The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic moments of collegiate men. J Exerc Rehabil. 2018 Feb 26;14(1):78-82. 
  3. Van Hooren B, Peake JM. Do We Need a Cool-Down After Exercise? A Narrative Review of the Psychophysiological Effects and the Effects on Performance, Injuries and the Long-Term Adaptive Response. Sports Med. 2018 Jul;48(7):1575-1595. 
  4. Iwata M, Yamamoto A, Matsuo S, Hatano G, Miyazaki M, Fukaya T, Fujiwara M, Asai Y, Suzuki S. Dynamic Stretching Has Sustained Effects on Range of Motion and Passive Stiffness of the Hamstring Muscles. J Sports Sci Med. 2019 Feb 11;18(1):13-20. 
  5. Aguilar AJ, DiStefano LJ, Brown CN, Herman DC, Guskiewicz KM, Padua DA. A dynamic warm-up model increases quadriceps strength and hamstring flexibility. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Apr;26(4):1130-41.
  6. Semciw A, Neate R, Pizzari T. Running related gluteus medius function in health and injury: A systematic review with meta-analysis. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2016 Oct;30:98-110. 
  7. Behm DG, Chaouachi A. A review of the acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on performance. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Nov;111(11):2633-51. 

Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.


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High Protein Edible Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough


Cookie dough is often a treat that’s easy to overdo. It’s so delicious and brings back the nostalgia of baking things with my mom and sister when I was little. Anyone else like to swipe a bite or two when no one is looking?

That simple joy inspired me to make my own, safe-to-eat version with a serving size for one! There’s no egg and no raw flour. Oh, and it’s a high-protein treat!

cookie dough with protien

“Healthier” Cookie Dough

Typically, cookie dough isn’t ideal for everyday snacking. It’s more of an indulgence!

In my version, I kept it gluten-free by using highly absorbent coconut flour, which also adds to the volume because it gets nice and thick.

I used my for added vanilla flavor, a boost of protein, and gut-healthy ingredients like fiber and probiotics. Because it’s a vegan protein powder, it also adds to the dense texture, which makes this recipe really satisfying.

The butter flavoring comes from butter extract and butter-flavored coconut oil, but feel free to use ghee or butter, or even cashew butter (but then definitely add the extract).

cookie dough

Let’s make some dough!

Finally, “raw” cookie dough you can eat safely! I don’t like chocolate so I leave the chips out. Do whatever sounds good to you!

Protein Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Keyword: cookie

Calories: 231kcal

*This recipe may contain affiliate links to products we use and love.

  • 1 scoop
  • 2-3 tbsp non-dairy milk
  • 2 tbps coconut flour
  • 2 tbsp granular Monk Fruit sweetener
  • 1 tbsp melted butter flavored coconut oil (or butter or cashew butter)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp sugar-free chocolate chips
  • Pinch salt
  • Stir everything except the chocolate chips together to form a dough, adding the milk in a little at a time to reach the desired, soft consistency. Stir in the chocolate chips, and serve.

Serving: 11/2 cup | Calories: 231kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 12g | Fat: 11g | Fiber: 8g

More yummy treats!

My Sandwich Cookie

Vegan Cake Pops

PB Mug Cake

Let me know in the comments if you try making any of these!

cassey ho signature blogilates

PS – If you want some more easy, high-protein recipes, check out my protein cookbook!


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Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup: December 29


Welcome to Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup!

In this weekly post, I share with you my most interesting discoveries of the week, including the latest news on the fronts of fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, biohacking, and anti-aging research. I also recap my upcoming events and special announcements so you can keep up with opportunities to learn, giveaways, discounts, and more!

New Discoveries

Exciting News — My Latest Culinary Creation, Boundless Kitchen, Is Finally Here!

Dive into a unique blend of biohacking and molecular gastronomy with 48 innovative recipes designed for health, longevity, and pure deliciousness. I’m taking you on a wild ride through my kitchen lab, where we’ll explore everything from unconventional tools to fringe superfoods like organ meats and colostrum.

Get ready to expand your cooking skills with dishes ranging from Carrot Cake Blender Waffles to Sous Vide Blueberry Brisket. You’ll not only master techniques like sous vide and air frying but also discover the science of clean eating and the restorative power of food. Get ready to unleash a world of flavor and innovation in your cooking!

Want a copy for your kitchen, or would you like to gift Boundless Kitchen to your friends and family? Order it here.

Embark on the Ultimate Hide-and-Seek Adventure with This Exciting Children’s Book

Searching for a captivating and educational book to engage your kids’ minds? Dive into the adventurous story Cows a Playin’ Hide and Seek, written by my wife, Jessa, and her sister, Shawna. Picture cowboy Dave in an imaginative counting adventure, chasing down playful cows in an enthralling game of hide-and-seek. This book is more than just a delightful read — it’s a fantastic way to keep your little ones engaged and learning, providing a refreshing alternative to screen time.

Grab your copy now to ensure your kids are not just having a blast but also gaining valuable knowledge as they join in the excitement of rounding up the book’s lively cows.

Here’s How a Cup of Joe Can Shape Your Body’s Cortisol Response

Are you a dedicated coffee enthusiast, savoring the ritual of starting your day with a piping-hot mug of caffeinated deliciousness? Turns out you really don’t have to worry about coffee jumpstarting or shoving your morning “cortisol awakening response” into overdrive, particularly if you’ve been drinking coffee for more than five days — which defines most of us, right?

If you’re anything like me, the comforting embrace of that daily cup of joe (I recommend trying the organic medium or dark roast by Kion) sparks curiosity about the intricate relationship between caffeine and its effects on your body, especially concerning the stress hormone cortisol.

Caffeine, as you likely know, can kickstart cortisol secretion, whether you’re chilling out or under mental stress. The pressing question remains, “Can a person develop a tolerance to this cortisol spike with regular caffeine intake?”

To help you understand the connection, I’m delving into a captivating study that not only answers this question but also uncovers the surprising dance between your morning brew and your body’s stress response.

Researchers sought answers by conducting a comprehensive double-blind, crossover trial with both men and women. Over four weeks, participants alternated between abstaining from caffeine and consuming controlled doses to measure its impact on cortisol levels.

Here’s the discovery: After a five-day caffeine break, a single caffeine dose caused a significant jump in cortisol levels throughout the day. However, when participants consumed caffeine daily (300mg or 600mg per day), their morning cortisol response to caffeine practically vanished.

This pattern suggests that while the body can adapt to the cortisol-boosting effects of caffeine to some extent, this adaptation is not complete. Regular caffeine consumers might not experience the same morning cortisol spike as occasional drinkers, but they’re not entirely immune to caffeine’s impact on cortisol levels later in the day.

So, what does this mean for you and your coffee habit?

If you’re a regular coffee drinker, your body likely adjusts to the cortisol response, particularly in the morning. But if you decide to take a break from caffeine, be prepared for that familiar cortisol surge to return after about five days — a reminder that even your daily cup of joe can have more complex effects than you might realize.

Curious about my coffee habits and the pros and cons of being a coffee drinker? Check out these resources:

Interested in hearing more about this type of research as soon as I discover it? Follow me on Twitter.

My Favorite Clean Energy Drink (With ZERO Of That Pesky Folic Acid)

In a world saturated with energy drinks promising an instant pick-me-up, the pursuit of vitality often comes at a cost — compromising your health.

This is because most energy drinks are full of synthetic folic acid, which can disrupt your body’s intricate methylation process. The consequence? An insidious rise in homocysteine levels, a notorious troublemaker that doesn’t just cloud your mind with brain fog but also throws your energy levels off balance. Imagine your mental clarity slipping away, your focus faltering, and the very essence of restorative sleep becoming a distant memory. You can read up more on that paradoxical issue of folic acid in energy drinks (along with many fortified grains and cereals) here

Choosing energy drinks loaded with synthetic folic acid isn’t merely a gamble; it’s akin to playing Russian roulette with your vitality — a risky bet that could compromise the core elements of your well-being.

If you’ve found yourself caught in the paradox of needing an energy boost but questioning the toxic ingredients in typical concoctions, you’re not alone. The dichotomy between seeking heightened alertness and maintaining a health-conscious lifestyle is real, which is why I’m a huge fan of Update. This isn’t just another energy drink; it’s a strategic shield against the dangers lurking in typical energy boosters. It’s also zero-calorie, zero-sugar, and loaded with clean ingredients like paraxanthine, L-theanine, and essential vitamins C and B12. Additionally, Update doesn’t include any questionable additives or toxic ingredients like aspartame, sucralose, or coloring agents, either.

What do you drink when you need more energy? Have you looked at the label recently? For more detailed background and info on Update, check out this podcast episode with the company’s founder, Shawn Wells. Ready to try this game-changing energy drink now? Save some of your hard-earned bucks by using code BEN for 10% off at checkout.

Side note: if you’re curious about how your body handles methylation and folic acid, getting a genetic test like the ones from SelfDecode (use code BEN for 10% off) can be enlightening.

Transform Your Life and Reach Boundless Success in 2024

Are you craving a truly personalized approach to fitness and unwavering accountability to reach your goals?

If so, your search ends today.

Imagine having a team of dedicated expert coaches right by your side, crafting a training plan tailored exclusively for you. We’ll dive deep into your unique goals, aspirations, and challenges to create a roadmap that leads you to success.

My Elite Coaching Program focuses on workouts, biohacking secrets, and nutrition. But it’s not just about workouts and exercises — this comprehensive, holistic journey covers every facet of your well-being, from personalized nutritional advice to cutting-edge biohacking techniques, positioning you at the pinnacle of peak performance. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to help you surpass your own limits.

My new 16-week program will guide you from information overload to transformation enjoyment.

Check out Ben Greenfield Coaching’s Elite Coaching plan now!

Podcasts I Recorded This Week: 

Q&A 466: A Guide To Essential Amino Acids, The Best Fat Loss Supplements, Can You Gain Muscle If You’re Old, Pelvic Tilt Fixes & Much More!

This episode was brought to you by Beekeeper’s (code BEN), Joovv (code BEN), Maximus Oral Testosterone+, Vuori, and BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough (code BEN10).


Unbeatable Peptide Stacks, Advanced Age Reversal Strategies, How To Banish Anxiety & Panic, Your Brain On THC, Ketones & Ketosis & More: The Most Listened To Episodes Of 2023.

This episode was brought to you by Organifi Shilajit Gummies, LeelaQ (code BEN10), Pendulum (code GREENFIELD), Levels, and CAROL Bike (code BEN).


Podcasts I Was Featured On Recently:

How to Use Peptides to Boost Immunity, Heal, Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Increase IQ & Slow Aging

How to Perform at Your Peak During a Chess Game | Ben Greenfield on ChessMood Podcast

Ep. 30 | The Formula for Living Longer with Ben Greenfield

Articles Recently Released About Me:

How To Live A Long, Happy Life: Celebrity Biohacker Ben Greenfield Shares His Top Tips — Have Meaning And Purpose, And Stay Physically Fit

Ben Greenfield’s VIP Text Club: To receive exclusive texts from Ben Greenfield, text the word “FITNESS” to 411247 (within the U.S. only).

My Article Feed:

My full article feed and all archives of my articles are here.

Product Of The Week

::: Experience Unparalleled Hydration with a Free LMNT Sample Pack :::

Ever wonder why staying hydrated in the colder months is a bit like herding cats?

In cold weather, your body’s hydration needs might be underestimated, and the dry winter air can contribute to increased fluid loss through respiration and skin evaporation.

Basically, winter is a hydration buzzkill. But fear not, I’ve got a winter hydration ace up my sleeve: LMNT.

This isn’t just any electrolyte drink mix; it’s a powerhouse of hydration without the sugar rush or toxic artificial ingredients.

Based on the latest hydration research, LMNT is a zero-sugar electrolyte drink mix born from the growing body of studies revealing that optimal health outcomes occur at sodium levels 2–3 times higher than government recommendations.

Whether you’re an athlete, someone who’s into fasting, or you’re rocking a keto, low-carb, whole-food, or paleo lifestyle, LMNT is tailored for you. Each stick delivers a meaningful dose of electrolytes free of sugar, artificial colors, and other dodgy ingredients.

And here’s a little insider tip from me: LMNT’s latest flavors are magnificent — I can’t get enough of their tasty Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Chai, and Chocolate Raspberry. They’re perfect for crafting those cozy, comforting winter drinks that warm you up from the inside.

Ready to experience what being truly hydrated feels like? Click here to receive an exclusive opportunity to seize your FREE LMNT Sample Pack (8-count) with any purchase.

You’re going to love this tasty drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without any added sugar or harmful ingredients.

Upcoming Events:

Unlock Longevity: February 24, 2024

On February 24th, I’ll be live in Austin, Texas, for Unlock Longevity, a unique gathering with leading regenerative medicine experts from North America. This exclusive event is your chance to gain insider knowledge in the realm of anti-aging and vitality. Our distinguished speakers will unveil groundbreaking treatments and secrets in rejuvenation and longevity, previously unshared with the public. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage in deep, personal discussions on health and anti-aging, and interact directly with our experts. Learn more about Unlock Longevity here.

Keep up on Ben’s LIVE appearances by following!

Kion Product Of The Week: Kion Protein Bar

You know I’m a huge fan of Kion.

They combine the cleanest natural ingredients into complementing supplements (and foods!) that help you unlock your body’s natural energy.

And their new Chocolate Crunch Protein Bar is out of this world delicious.

Not only that but it is made with only real, whole-food ingredients— giving it balanced macronutrients for clean, stable energy.

The Chocolate Crunch Protein Bar’s complex flavors and texture come from real, natural, whole-food ingredients such as…

  • Organic almonds
  • Organic cocoa nibs
  • Organic chia seeds
  • Organic coconut
  • Organic honey

And, it contains 11 grams of satiating protein from grass-fed whey protein isolate to support your active lifestyle.

I promise you, you’re going to love this new protein bar. Click here to try it.

This Week’s Most Popular Instagram Post:

This Week’s Most Popular Tweet:

This Week’s Most Popular Facebook Post:



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2024 San Diego Championships Pro Bikini Division Show Preview


The winner qualifies for the 2024 Olympia in Las Vegas.

The 2024 San Diego Championships Pro is slated for Saturday, March 30, 2024, in San Diego, CA. The show will feature the IFBB Pro League Bikini division.

Sixteen athletes will compete for the win and corresponding qualification for the 2024 Olympia Weekend in Las Vegas, NV, on Oct. 10-13, 2024. The roster for this competition is below, courtesy of the IFBB Pro League website:

2024 San Diego Championships Pro Roster

  • Bridget Bailey (Australia)
  • Ariel Barley (United States)
  • Shantal Barros (United States)
  • Alyssa Blessing (United States)
  • Kimberly Bonilla (United States)
  • Aimee Leann Delgado (United States)
  • Erika Devera (United States)
  • Brittany Gillespie (United States)
  • Tara Grier (United States)
  • Jacki Hansen (United States)
  • Cherrylyn Ibanez (United States)
  • Alexandra Leeper (United States)
  • Anya Nicholson (United States)
  • Olena Okanovic (United States)
  • Judy Son (United States)
  • Noel Zayour (United States)

[Related: How Pro Bodybuilders Tefani-Sam Razhi and Melissa Brodsky Build Shoulders With Coach Joe Bennett]

[Related: Opinion: The Sport of Weightlifting Sucks to Watch in 2024]

Aimee Delgado

Aimee Delgado had a successful 2023 season with five pro show wins and a sixth-place finish at the 2023 Bikini Olympia. She started her 2024 campaign in Columbus, OH, at the Bikini International during the Arnold Classic weekend, ranking second in a one-point decision to three-time defending champion Lauralie Chapados. Delgado is an early favorite in San Diego and needs a pro show win to qualify for the 2024 Olympia.

Tara Grier

Tara Grier won the 2023 Lenda Murray Atlanta Pro show to qualify for the 2023 Olympia, where she finished outside the top 15. Grier started her 2024 season ranking second to Vania Auguste at the 2024 Bikini International UK competition at the Arnold Classic UK event in Birmingham, England. The fans can look forward to a good matchup between Grier and Delgado.

Brittany Gillespie

Brittany Gillespie competed five times in her first season as a pro but did not qualify for the 2023 Olympia. Her best finish was second at the Klash Series Pro.

Gillespie starts her second pro season at this show against some serious competition, but her pro experience could make a positive difference for her.

Other Notes

This is one of two Bikini division shows slated for March 30, 2024. The other will be the 2024 Klash Series Championship Pro show in Orlando, FL. The winner of that contest will also qualify for the 2024 Bikini Olympia.

Featured Image: @fitnessbyaims on Instagram 


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Zuzanna Kula (57KG) Breaks IPF Equipped Bench Press World Record With 161 Kilograms


Kula competed in the equipped powerlifting category at the 2024 Arnold UK.

Polish powerlifter Zuzanna Kula isn’t long out of the Juniors but has already made a name for herself in the Open category in the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF). She brought home the silver medal from the 2022 World Games in Birmingham, AL, followed up with a win at the IPF equipped world title in Viborg, Denmark, the same year.

Kula suffered an ACL injury in 2023, which required surgery to repair. She returned to the competitive lifting platform in style at the 2024 Arnold Sports Festival UK on March 16, 2024, breaking the IPF’s 57KG-class equipped bench press world record with a phenomenal 161 kilograms. Take a look at the lift below, courtesy of the IPF Instagram page:

The IPF’s equipped division allows single-ply bench shirts. Kula is an expert in their use. The shirt’s dense fabric heavily restricts the arms’ movement and resists the lifter’s attempts to bring the barbell down to the chest.

Kula controlled the descent well and kept her chest high. The bar path was wobbly, but Kula pressed it to lockout successfully and was rewarded with three white lights from the referees.

2024 IPF Arnold Sports Festival Results — Zuzanna Kula (Poland), 57KG

  • Squat
    • 167.5 kilograms
    • 175 kilograms
    • 180 kilograms
  • Bench Press
    • 156.5 kilograms — IPF Open World Record
    • 161 kilograms — IPF Open World Record
    • 166 kilograms
  • Deadlift
    • 167.5 kilograms
    • 172.5 kilograms
    • 177.5 kilograms
  • Total — 513.5 kilograms

Kula won the overall silver medal and 1,500 Euros in prize money — a great comeback performance. She is not on the roster for the 2024 European Powerlifting Federation (EPF) European Equipped Championships, so it’s not clear what her next competition will be.

However, Kula is expected to compete at the 2024 IPF World Equipped Championships in Reykjavik, Iceland, since it’s a qualifying event for the 2025 World Games in Chengdu, China.

Kula was the first Polish woman to win a medal for powerlifting at The World Games, so it’s a sure bet that she will do everything possible to return.

Featured image: @theipf on Instagram


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Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup: December 22


Welcome to Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup!

In this weekly post, I share with you my most interesting discoveries of the week, including the latest news on the fronts of fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, biohacking, and anti-aging research. I also recap my upcoming events and special announcements so you can keep up with opportunities to learn, giveaways, discounts, and more!

New Discoveries

Exciting News — My Latest Culinary Creation, Boundless Kitchen, Is Finally Here!

Dive into a unique blend of biohacking and molecular gastronomy with 48 innovative recipes designed for health, longevity, and pure deliciousness. I’m taking you on a wild ride through my kitchen lab, where we’ll explore everything from unconventional tools to fringe superfoods like organ meats and colostrum.

Get ready to expand your cooking skills with dishes ranging from Carrot Cake Blender Waffles to Sous Vide Blueberry Brisket. You’ll not only master techniques like sous vide and air frying but also discover the science of clean eating and the restorative power of food. Get ready to unleash a world of flavor and innovation in your cooking!

Want a copy for your kitchen, or would you like to gift Boundless Kitchen to your friends and family? Order it here.

Eat MORE Red Meat to Fight Cancer? 

I’ve been challenging the common misconception that red meat is unhealthy for years, but now there’s even more scientific evidence to bolster my beliefs.

The narrative in mainstream health communities has been that red meat, especially processed varieties (think hot dogs and salami), can be a ticking time bomb for cancer due to the presence of certain compounds — like heme iron and hormones. 

While concerns about the potential cancer risks associated with red meat have led many to approach it cautiously, a recent study published in Nature presents a surprising twist, suggesting that chowing down on beef, lamb, and dairy products could actually prevent cancer.

Science shows that trans-vaccenic acid (TVA), a fatty acid found in these foods, seems to turbocharge our immune cells into becoming lean, mean, tumor-fighting machines. 

Scientists at the University of Chicago discovered a strong link between higher levels of TVA in the blood and a more robust response to immunotherapy. That’s right — we’re talking about TVA potentially stepping up as a nutritional supplement to give cancer treatments an extra edge.

By zeroing in on the nutrients and metabolites from food, scientists are unraveling how they impact people’s health at a cellular level. And it turns out, TVA is a standout player, activating key immune pathways and enhancing anti-tumor immunity.

The research team even created a “blood nutrient” library from about 700 food-derived metabolites, and guess what? TVA topped the charts in boosting anti-tumor immunity in both human and mouse cells.

While the study showed that a TVA-enriched diet significantly slowed down tumor growth in mice and even improved responses to immunotherapy in lymphoma patients, the researchers are quick to restate the known health risks of excessive red meat consumption.

Still, this study is a fascinating glimpse into how certain nutrients, even from unexpected sources, can play a pivotal role in your body’s fight against serious diseases, even certain types of cancer.

Want to hear more about my thoughts on the risks versus rewards of eating red meat? Check out this related content: 

Interested in hearing more about this type of research as soon as I discover it? Follow me on Twitter.

Transform Your Life And Reach Boundless Success For The New Year

Are you craving a truly personalized approach to fitness and unwavering accountability to reach your goals?

If so, your search ends today.

Imagine having a team of dedicated expert coaches right by your side, crafting a training plan tailored exclusively for you. We’ll dive deep into your unique goals, aspirations, and challenges to create a roadmap that leads you to success.

My Elite Coaching Program focuses on workouts, biohacking secrets, and nutrition. But it’s not just about workouts and exercises — this comprehensive, holistic journey covers every facet of your well-being, from personalized nutritional advice to cutting-edge biohacking techniques, positioning you at the pinnacle of peak performance. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to help you surpass your own limits.

My new 16-week program will guide you from information overload to transformation enjoyment.

Check out Ben Greenfield Coaching’s Elite Coaching plan now!

Podcasts I Recorded This Week:

Pain-Killing Without Pharmaceuticals: Is This The Most Powerful Wearable Red Light Therapy That Exists? The Kineon Move+ With Forrest Smith.

This episode was brought to you by Essentia (code BENVIP), Calroy, Füm (code BEN), Seed (code BEN), and Good Idea (code BEN10).


Alternatives To Alcohol & Plant Medicine, Growth Through Ayahuasca, A Shower Routine That Grows Your Brain, Is Eating Bugs A Mind-Control Experiment & More With Mike Cernovich.

This episode was brought to you by HVMN, Lucy Gum (code BEN20), Thyroid Fixxr (code BEN20), Manukora (code BEN), and CAROL Bike (code BEN).


Podcasts I Was Featured On Recently:

How to Use Peptides to Boost Immunity, Heal, Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Increase IQ & Slow Aging

How to Perform at Your Peak During a Chess Game | Ben Greenfield on ChessMood Podcast

Ep. 30 | The Formula for Living Longer with Ben Greenfield

Articles Recently Released About Me:

How To Live A Long, Happy Life: Celebrity Biohacker Ben Greenfield Shares His Top Tips — Have Meaning And Purpose, And Stay Physically Fit

Ben Greenfield’s VIP Text Club: To receive exclusive texts from Ben Greenfield, text the word “FITNESS” to 411247 (within the U.S. only).

My Article Feed:

My full article feed and all archives of my articles are here.

Product Of The Week

::: Unlock Your Potential With 20% Off Limitless Life Nootropics :::

Ready to dive into the world of peptides and experience their transformative power? Limitless Life Nootropics is what I consider to be the “best of the best,” and it’s your gateway to unlocking peak human potential with their scientifically formulated supplements.

Their BPC-157 Arginine Capsules merge a potent peptide with arginine to turbocharge injury healing and rejuvenate your gut health.

For those on a quest for a sculpted physique, their 5-Amino-1MQ Capsules drive muscle growth while keeping fat storage in check. And if weight loss is your battleground, their advanced Tesofensine Capsules are your secret weapon, curbing appetite and firing up your metabolism, all while elevating your mood.

Delve into my enlightening podcast with Jay Campbell for a deep dive into the world of nootropic stacks. Navigating the maze of peptides can be daunting, but with Jay’s expertise and Limitless Life Nootropics’ commitment to quality, you’re in the best hands.

For a comprehensive guide on my favorite peptide stacks, including how to source them and the stacks I personally use for muscle growth, fat loss, and beyond, check out my Ultimate Peptides Resources Page. It’s your all-in-one destination for all things peptides.

Ready to experience “limitless” possibilities? Start by trying out Limitless Life Nootropics’ innovations in health and wellness. Click here to gain access to their nootropic supplements and use code GREENFIELD 20% for regular products and 10% for VIP products.

Upcoming Events:

Unlock Longevity: February 24, 2024

On February 24th, I’ll be live in Austin, Texas, for Unlock Longevity, a unique gathering with leading regenerative medicine experts from North America. This exclusive event is your chance to gain insider knowledge in the realm of anti-aging and vitality. Our distinguished speakers will unveil groundbreaking treatments and secrets in rejuvenation and longevity, previously unshared with the public. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage in deep, personal discussions on health and anti-aging, and interact directly with our experts. Learn more about Unlock Longevity here.

Keep up on Ben’s LIVE appearances by following!

Kion Product Of The Week: Kion Protein Bar

You know I’m a huge fan of Kion.

They combine the cleanest natural ingredients into complementing supplements (and foods!) that help you unlock your body’s natural energy.

And their new Chocolate Crunch Protein Bar is out of this world delicious.

Not only that but it is made with only real, whole-food ingredients— giving it balanced macronutrients for clean, stable energy.

The Chocolate Crunch Protein Bar’s complex flavors and texture come from real, natural, whole-food ingredients such as…

  • Organic almonds
  • Organic cocoa nibs
  • Organic chia seeds
  • Organic coconut
  • Organic honey

And, it contains 11 grams of satiating protein from grass-fed whey protein isolate to support your active lifestyle.

I promise you, you’re going to love this new protein bar. Click here to try it.

This Week’s Most Popular Instagram Post:

This Week’s Most Popular Tweet:

This Week’s Most Popular Facebook Post:



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This POPFLEX Pullover is the Perfect Layering Piece for Running


I know you guys have been asking for a non-romantic-sleeved, non-dropped-shoulder jackety type piece that really hugs your body for a while now… something that really skims your silhouette and gives a waist-cinching effect!

I’ve been wanting a substantial long sleeve layering piece for outdoor running for a while, and I felt like this was the best opportunity to test out this new body ody ody silhouette! ⏳

The Chasing Pavements Mockneck Pullover


As you can see, the reason why it snatches is because of the way the fabric is cut to contour your body. These are the things that matter…the things that take a garment from just being on your body to enhancing your body! The teeny tiny details matter, BIG TIME.

cassey ho blogilates wearing popflex chasing pavements mockneck pullover for running

I’m wearing this new POPFLEX pullover in size small! It’s very true to size. Just get your regular size.

It’s stretchy and cozy, perfect for a chilly morning run or a cold AC gym situation! And yessss the ⌚️ watch opening is on BOTH sides! Enjoy!


popflex chasing pavements mockneck pullover blogilates shop


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2024 Klash Series Championship Pro Bikini Division Show Preview


A new champion will be crowned in Orlando, FL.

Twenty-four IFBB Pro League Bikini division athletes are set to compete at the 2024 Klash Series Championship Pro show in Orlando, FL, on Saturday, March 30, 2024. Those athletes will try to earn a qualification spot for the 2024 Bikini Olympia, a part of the 60th Olympia Weekend in Las Vegas, NV, on the weekend of Oct. 10-13, 2024. 

The 2023 winner of this show was Aimee Delgado, who will not be in this show. None of the competitors in the lineup have qualified for the Olympia going into it. The roster of competitors is below, with names in alphabetical order.

2024 Klash Series Championship Pro Roster

  • Hope Andrews (United States)
  • Diana Arsenyeva (United States)
  • Iulia Baba (Romania)
  • Winifher Capellan (United States)
  • Marie-Eve Duchesneau (Canada)
  • Jennifer Greer (United States)
  • Nicole Guggia (United States)
  • Vanessa Guzman Niebla (United States)
  • Tara Harlin (United States)
  • Nikia Hovey (United States)
  • Kristy Imsande (United States)
  • Jessica Kosten (United States)
  • Amanda Macey (United States)
  • Gyana Mella (United States)
  • Madison Michielssen (United States)
  • Kate Orara (United States)
  • Kristy Robbins (United States)
  • Marissa Ross (United States)
  • Gina Sardina (United States)
  • Aria Smith (United States)
  • Anastacia Spragans (United States)
  • Dianna Trester (United States)
  • Alexandra Vatthauer (United States)
  • Fallon Wainwright (United States)

[Related: How Pro Bodybuilders Tefani-Sam Razhi and Melissa Brodsky Build Shoulders With Coach Joe Bennett]

[Related: Personal Trainer James Smith Learns Why Male Athletes Should Do Pilates]

Marie-Eve Duchesneau

Marie-Eve Duchesneau has been on the Olympia stage, placing outside the top 15 in 2022. Duchesneau made a name for herself by scoring bronze at the 2024 Bikini International UK event, won by Vania Auguste. Duchesneau beat former Olympia champion Angelica Teixeira in that show, making Duchesneau a top contender in this lineup.

Iulia Baba

Iulia Baba was the 2023 Arizona Pro winner. She was in the 2023 Bikini Olympia lineup but placed outside the top 15. Baba aims to change in her 2024 campaign. Her most recent show was the 2023 Atlantic Coast Pro, where she ranked third place.

Hope Andrews

Andrews won the E-Class at the 2023 NPC Junior Nationals to earn her a pro card. This will be Andrews’ IFBB Pro League debut.

Andrews competed in the amateur ranks for four years. A competitor rarely wins their first pro show, but anything can happen once the athletes face the judges.

More Bodybuilding Content

Featured Image: @marie.eve_ifbbpro on Instagram 


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Optimize Libido and Sexual Performance


Lying face down and buck naked, I grimaced and squirmed on the medical examination table. Behind me, a physician assistant clad in blue scrubs repeatedly jammed a foot-long needle in and out of my spine and butt.

Each time the entire needle was fully embedded, she yanked it back out, causing a loud sucking sound to emanate from my fat tissue. “You should’ve eaten more doughnuts this week — there’s not a whole lot of marrow back here for the stem cells.”

Welcome to a typical weekend in my life. The harvesting of my precious fat was meant to collect and concentrate therapeutic stem cells, which can theoretically be used to rapidly heal my body should I get hit by a bus or suffer a horrible disease. But the process can also be used — in this case, along with sexual organ injections, sound waves, and penis pumps — as fodder for a Men’s Health article entitled (brace yourself) “New Year, New Dick.”

So, who the heck am I? Some kind of masochistic playboy? A man obsessed with my own crotch? An orthorexic, hypochondriac hacker preoccupied with fringe medical procedures?


Within a few hours of rolling off the examination table and waving goodbye to the physician assistant, I stepped onto a plane to travel home to my wife and twin boys, my serene farm in the forest, my organic vegetable garden, my goats and chickens, my guitar, and my quiet, peaceful daily routine. Admittedly, my home also contains tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of cutting-edge, life-extending, performance-enhancing, cognition-boosting biohacks.

Among my forays into relentless self-experimentation, I have experienced many twists on sexual health hacking.

High-intensity acoustic sound wave therapy blasting my crotch? Been there, done that — multiple times, in fact. Digital penis pump? Own it. Tantric sex? Yes, even the whole reverse-orgasm concept. Gas station dick pills? Embarrassingly, yes. Red light therapy on the balls? A daily must at the office. Platelet-rich plasma injections? Sure.

Now that I’ve done tons of experimenting myself, I want to help you discover the host of health benefits of good sex and orgasms for both men and women, as well as the best sex-supporting foods, supplements, exercises, and biohacks.

Ultimately, after reading this article, you’ll have an intimate understanding of how to optimize your hormones (a crucial component of libido and sexual performance), spruce up your sex life, and experience a level of sexual health, intimacy, and satisfaction that most people never tap into.

Why Is Sex So Good for You?

The joy of having a healthy and fulfilling sex life is one of the most potent ways to enhance your vitality, confidence, and overall well-being. Sex is like a powerful elixir for both your body and mind, and I’m not just talking about the pleasurable sensations it provides. There’s a treasure trove of biological and spiritual benefits that come along for the ride, and they go far beyond mere orgasms or the continuation of the human species.

Let me blow your mind with a few of the astonishing perks of having regular sex:

  • A robust immune system: Engaging in regular sexual activity has been linked to higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody that boosts your immune system’s ability to fend off infections. It’s like your body’s secret weapon against the common cold.
  • Reduced depression and stress: Intimacy has an antidepressant effect on women, and it’s not just a temporary mood booster. It also helps your body cope better with stress, keeps blood pressure in check, and even reduces stress hormones like cortisol — a recipe for better mental health.
  • Sharper brainpower: Believe it or not, sexual activity can stimulate the growth of neurons in your hippocampus, the brain region responsible for memories. Plus, it might give your analytical thinking skills a boost. When you jump in the sack, your big and little brains are both in for a treat.
  • Fitness in and out of the bedroom: A good romp isn’t just enjoyable; it can burn close to 150 calories in just half an hour (equivalent to a couple of chocolate-covered strawberries). And remember, regular exercise has its own benefits in the bedroom, like improving blood flow, which might translate to longer-lasting erections.
  • Pain relief: Oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, kicks in post-sex, reducing stress and promoting calm. It’s joined by serotonin, endorphins, and phenylethylamine, all of which can bring on intense feelings of pleasure, relaxation, and pain relief. Some say it even helps with migraines and arthritis discomfort.
  • Sweet dreams: After an orgasm, your brain releases a cocktail of hormones that can lull you into a peaceful slumber, meaning sex is a lot like a natural sleep aid, especially for men who tend to toss and turn all night.
  • Enhanced senses: Prolactin, another hormone post-sex, helps you understand and react to smells better. Therefore, sex is like giving your sense of smell a little upgrade.
  • Anti-aging magic: Couples who have frequent sex tend to look around ten years younger than their actual age. Orgasms also release estrogen, which can improve your hair and skin quality. Getting it on is the beauty treatment you didn’t even know you needed.
  • Heart health: For men, regular sexual activity might reduce the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Think of sex like a workout for your cardiovascular system since it can help lower blood pressure, which is good news for both men and women.
  • Smoother menstrual cycles: Exposure to male pheromones can have a calming effect on women and help regulate their menstrual cycles. It’s almost like sex works as a natural cycle-syncing mechanism.
  • Prostate protection: While the research isn’t crystal clear, regular ejaculation may play a role in prostate health. It’s a topic that’s still unfolding but shows promise.
  • Pregnancy perks: Frequent sexual intercourse and exposure to semen might reduce the risk of a serious pregnancy complication called preeclampsia. Increased vaginal exposure to paternal seminal fluid potentially reduces the risk of preeclampsia by inducing maternal immune tolerance to paternal antigens. This tolerance may mitigate abnormal maternal immune responses and inflammation, contributing to improved placental development and decreased likelihood of preeclampsia.

How Much Sex Should You Be Having? What Science and Ancient Wisdom Advise

When it comes to the wonderful world of sex, you might wonder, “How much is too much?”

Now, I won’t suggest you turn into a bedroom maniac with a penchant for heart-shaped hot tubs, but there’s an intriguing blend of philosophy and science surrounding the ideal frequency of sexual activity and its impact on health, longevity, and performance.

While research on this topic is more robust for men, it’s a fascinating realm that touches on everything from ancient Taoist wisdom to modern-day testosterone dynamics.

First up: Taoist Theory of Ejaculation, a concept that’s been brewing in the East for centuries.

It proposes that retaining one’s precious bodily fluids, specifically semen, can lead to enhanced strength, mental clarity, and even longevity.

Sounds pretty enticing, right? The idea is that by reducing the frequency of ejaculation, a man can maintain higher testosterone levels, a ravenous sexual appetite, and even boost brainpower. It’s like hitting the jackpot for vitality.

But what does science have to say about this?

Well, it turns out that each ejaculation does lead to a significant loss of zinc, and long-term excessive ejaculation might result in a chronic zinc deficiency. That’s a recipe for chronic fatigue, mental fog, and a dwindling sex drive.

However, it’s not all bad news. Research indicates that regular sexual activity might help combat the natural decline in testosterone that accompanies aging. So, there’s a balance to be struck.

When it comes to athletic performance, there’s been a long-standing debate about whether sex before a big game or workout can hinder performance due to a drop in testosterone levels. While some suggest abstaining, the evidence is mixed. Some studies show minimal effects, while others reveal intriguing insights. What’s clear is that sexual activity isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation when it comes to performance.

If you’re keen on maximizing your time in the bedroom (and you should be), there are techniques to explore, from pelvic floor exercises to electrical muscle stimulation, and even some tasty snacks that could help you bounce back more quickly for round two (you’ll discover more on this topic in the next section).

In the end, when it comes to the frequency of how often you should be having sex, it’s really all about finding your own rhythm — one that aligns with your health, performance goals, and relationship. Whether you’re putting ancient wisdom or modern science into practice, the path to sexual satisfaction is as unique as you are.

Best Foods and Supplements for Sexual Health and Performance 

Forget about sketchy pills, creams, and lubes — there’s a whole world of reliable, safe, and natural herbs, supplements, and other goodies that can elevate your game in the bedroom. So, what’s on the menu to spice things up?

  • Maca: This root vegetable is a libido booster for both men and women. It can even help with sexual dysfunction caused by certain antidepressants. Sprinkle a teaspoon to a tablespoon of maca into your morning smoothie or afternoon tea for a nutty flavor twist.
  • Cocoa: Low nitric oxide levels can lead to circulation problems and softer erections. But the flavonoids in cocoa, like epicatechin, can come to the rescue by supporting nitric oxide levels. A piece of dark chocolate and a glass of wine is one way I love to set the mood for a night of fun with my wife. I recommend trying high-quality cocoa from Cacao Lab, which you can enjoy for 10% off with code BENG10, or save on low-sugar, decadent chocolate from Spring & Mulberry (no code needed).
  • Yohimbine: Found in the bark of the African yohimbe tree, yohimbine is a libido-enhancing stimulant. While Viagra and Cialis focus on erections, yohimbine goes straight for your libido. Keep in mind that it can make you jittery, so start with a low dose and choose your products wisely. One option to consider, which I’m a personal user and fan of, is JOYMODE, a powdered blend of yohimbine, arginine, L-citrulline, ginseng, and vitamin C. This stuff works wonders (for both me and my wife).
  • Eurycoma longifolia and Cistanche: Eurycoma longifolia, also known as tongkat ali, is a potent libido enhancer for both genders that can boost sperm production and support erectile function. A similar compound that I’ve personally found much more success with is Cistanche, known in Chinese herbal medicine as “the stalk enlarger.” Legend is that Genghis Khan consumed Cistanche daily, and considering the guy’s stamina and that 8 percent of Asia’s population are said to be his descendants, I’m a believer in this stuff. I like to mix some up in coffee or tea before date night.
  • Fenugreek: In Ayurvedic medicine, fenugreek, or “methi,” is hailed for increasing virility. It can significantly boost libido and sexual satisfaction in healthy men. Plus, it’s a versatile ingredient to have in your kitchen for dishes like curries, flatbreads, stews, and soups.
  • Osthole: This compound, found in Cnidium monnieri — a plant often used in Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac — acts similarly to Viagra by promoting nitric oxide release and enhancing sexual performance and arousal. It’s a multitasker with potential benefits for blood sugar control, cognitive performance, and more.
  • Procyanidins: Found in pine bark and grape seeds, procyanidins can support nitric oxide levels, keeping blood vessels wide and combating certain types of erectile dysfunction. Pycnogenol, a pine bark extract, is a well-studied source of procyanidins that’s more powerful than cheaper alternatives, including grape seed extract. A glass of tannin-rich red wine can also do the trick. My favorite way to enjoy red wine is with help from Dry Farms, which only features low-sulfite wines free of added sugar and other additives. Order a bottle now and get your second bottle for only a penny.
  • Nitric oxide-producing foods: Arugula, watermelon, dark chocolate, and more can boost blood flow and sexual health thanks to their nitric oxide (NO). Skip the heavy steak and opt for a powerful sex salad with arugula, beets, walnuts, red onions, apples, and fenugreek seeds. Drizzle it with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette, then pair it with red wine and dark chocolate (one of my favorites is Evolved Primal Dark Chocolate) for a tantalizing experience or boost your intake of NO-rich foods (like beets and berries) with Organifi’s Red Juice blend (save an extra 20% off all products with code BEN). To support your body’s NO pathways, I also highly recommend checking out Calroy’s Vascanox HP and Arterosil HP bundle, which features the perfect combination of compounds for vascular health. Snag this bundle for 20% off when you subscribe.
  • Other supplements: Don’t forget your essential vitamins and minerals. Creatine, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, zinc, and cholesterol-based compounds like DHEA can significantly impact fertility and sexual performance. Minerals, which your body stores over 100 different types of, are also key for keeping your stamina and drive up. A daily supplement regimen of these nutrients helps cover your bases. For example, BEAM Minerals’ Multi Mineral Solution, when taken daily, can improve your performance (use code BEN to save 20%). I also use and recommend JOYMODE’s Sexual Performance Booster to boost blood flow, erection quality, firmness, stamina, and performance. Give JOYMODE a whirl and use code GREENFIELD to save 20%.

How to Biohack Your Bedroom: 12 Tips to Improve Your Sex Life

Continuing forward, let’s delve into cutting-edge techniques for improving your sex life. This includes unconventional methods that aren’t typically featured in mainstream magazines, such as the most effective sexual exercises, workouts, and biohacks for unleashing your inner freak in the sheets.

Without further ado, here are my suggestions for experiencing extraordinary romp sessions…

1. Have Your Genitals Lift Weights

Ever heard of the towel technique? Hang a slightly wet towel over your erection and lift it repeatedly.

Yes, you read that right. It works.

Practice repeatedly contracting your genitals to lift the towel, eventually progressing to larger and wetter towels as you enhance your sexual muscle strength.

Want another method of “working out” your penis? Consider giving Phoenix a try, which is a hand-held device (yes, a penis pump) that uses sound wave technology to work with your body to restore optimal performance. It can help you get and stay noticeably harder, all with just two 20-minute sessions per week.

2. Sleep, but Not Too Much 

Fragmented sleep and obstructive sleep apnea are associated with reduced testosterone levels in both men and women. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that one week of sleep restriction (five hours of sleep per night) decreased testosterone production by 10 to 15 percent!

But don’t sleep too much: studies have also shown that sleep’s effect on testosterone has an inverted U-shaped curve. Testosterone production rises with increasing sleep duration of up to ten hours, after which it decreases. Additionally, too much sleep is linked to obesity and depression.

3. Get Lean, but Not Too Lean 

Maintain a healthy body fat percentage, which assists in optimal T production. You might think that being cut boosts T production, but in reality, being too lean can lower testosterone levels, so the goal isn’t to slim down to skin and bones.

Being lean gives you high testosterone more than high testosterone makes you lean. More body fat also usually increases aromatase enzyme activity, which converts more testosterone into estrogen. Ideally, aim for a body fat percentage between 8 and 14 percent to maintain optimal testosterone.

4. Eat Enough 

Caloric restriction can lower testosterone production because your body perceives it as an indicator of stress.

And why make babies in times of stress and starvation?

Maintain energy balance or a slight surplus for optimal testosterone levels. Prioritize first getting lean and then cycle in higher-calorie days for optimal testosterone production and maintenance.

If overweight, a minor calorie deficit while losing weight can help. Losing weight slowly, around a 15 percent daily calorie deficit, doesn’t seem to affect testosterone as negatively as crash dieting does. But if you’re on a daily caloric deficit, it is still advisable to incorporate regular calorie refeeds, such as eating to caloric balance or slight excess on one day of the weekend.

Finally, remember that it’s wise to tap into all the physiological benefits of fasting, particularly via daily twelve- to sixteen-hour intermittent fasts. If your goal is to maximize testosterone and libido, then simply go long periods of time between meals, and when you do finally eat, eat a significant number of calories — at least as many as you need to sustain your metabolic rate.

5. Nail Your Macros

For optimal testosterone production, it’s best not to skimp too much on calories or go overboard. Additionally, you might want to steer clear of excessive protein intake (more than 0.8g per pound of body weight) and prolonged low-carb diets (below 30 percent of calories), especially for those with an active lifestyle. And whether you’re leaning toward a high-carb or low-carb diet, it’s wise not to overlook the importance of saturated or monounsaturated fats — these types of fats are key in maintaining overall health, particularly in relation to hormone production and balance.

To avoid excessive protein intake, prioritize healthy fats to fill up, such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, full-fat dairy, grass-fed butter, grass-fed beef, and wild-caught fish like salmon (which provide both protein and fats).

6. Hydrate 

Even mild dehydration (1 to 2 percent body weight loss) can raise cortisol levels and deleteriously affect testosterone production. In addition, the more dehydrated you are, the more cortisol and adrenaline rise, and the more testosterone drops. If you are significantly sweating or in a stage of heavy exercise, drinking water or eating water-rich produce such as cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, and watermelon becomes even more important for testosterone maintenance.

My article “10 Things Your Pee Can Tell You About Your Body” includes a few handy tips for using urine strips to quantify your level of hydration. Just be sure to steer clear of estrogen-boosting and endocrine-disrupting plastic water bottles (and anything else that contains the all-too-common additives BPA, phthalates, parabens, triclosan, and benzophenones).

7. Train for Testosterone 

Strength training is your ally in the love department. It helps reduce body fat and also directly elevates testosterone levels — not to mention it boosts your confidence and sex appeal. For best results, focus on compound lifts and explosive movements.

Follow these basic principles when strength training for optimal testosterone production:

  • Lift explosively.
  • Lift heavy enough, but not too heavy (moving weight fast can have a good effect on testosterone).
  • Use compound lifts to activate large amounts of muscle mass.
  • Focus on body parts that have a high density of androgen receptor sites (particularly the chest, shoulders, and legs), which helps optimize the anabolic response to resistance training, leading to greater muscle hypertrophy and strength gains.
  • Do sprint intervals to maximize force production in minimal time and to activate fast-twitch muscle fibers.
  • Work on as much muscle tissue as you can as quickly as possible.

Additionally, to develop even better breath control, more flexibility, greater cardiovascular endurance, and the ability to move energy throughout your body (which especially enhances intercourse), give Kundalini yoga a try. When it comes to sex, I’ve found that to be the most helpful form of yoga.

Ladies, testosterone is essential for you as well, as it’s not just a “male hormone.”

Adequate testosterone levels are important for muscle and bone health, sex drive, building muscle, keeping skin supple, enhancing the process of fat tissue lipolysis (whereby stored fat molecules are broken down and released into the bloodstream for energy), and many other anti-aging effects.

Lately, my wife, along with a host of other female biohackers, have begun applying a dab of testosterone cream clitorally prior to sex, for what they describe as a “screamin’ good” orgasm. Turns out they’re onto something. Exercise consistently to maintain healthy testosterone levels and consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (just a touch of testosterone cream applied vaginally) if needed.

8. Control Stress 

Chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, competing with testosterone production. Kick stress and high cortisol to the curb through whatever methods help you to feel calm and centered, such as meditation, nature time, breathwork, exercise, saunas, and adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha.

Personally, I utilize all of these remedies and more, such as time spent in front of a Joovv red light therapy device (which improves performance, recovery, and cellular energy while reducing oxidative stress). Another one of my favorites for red light therapy is the HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket, which helps you get all of the benefits of saunas in one affordable, portable device (use code BEN to save 15%).

9. Increase Androgen Receptor Density

Present in both men and women, androgens are hormones such as testosterone and androstenedione that are important for normal sexual organ development before birth and also sexual development during puberty. In adults, androgens play a crucial role in libido, physical performance, and sexual function, and also act as precursors to important hormones such as estrogen. Androgen receptors are what allow the body to respond appropriately to androgens. As a general rule, the more receptors you have, the better your body is equipped to respond to your hormones.

Here are some of the better-researched methods to increase androgen receptor density:

  • Fast (not calorie restriction per se, but ample time between meals and a twelve- to sixteen-hour daily fast)
  • Sip coffee or consume caffeine (about 2mg per pound of body weight before exercise)
  • Engage in explosive resistance training (short, fast sessions two to three times per week)
  • Take L-carnitine (about 2g per day)
  • Use mucuna (5g or more), forskolin (250mg of a supplement containing 10 percent forskolin taken twice per day), and creatine (5g to 10g per day)

10. Embrace Masculinity 

Exploring the “manosphere” over the past few years has taught me a lot about the importance of embracing masculinity, including the need to express and engage in typically manly traits and activities like competition, hunting, lifting weights, leading your family, caring for your woman, building a legacy, and spending time with other men. In fact, suppressing these drives can negatively impact many biological functions, including testosterone production.

To set the record straight: I disagree with the popular manospheric notion that men can operate independently without a feminine essence, (often referred to as “MGTOW,” short for “Men Going Their Own Way”), and I’m not a fan of the infatuation with pickup artistry that’s so prevalent in this community.

That said, I have learned a ton from resources like Future Men by Doug Wilson (and the Canon Press video series by the same name), Iron John by Robert Bly, The Professor in the Cage by Jonathan Gottschall, and even The Rational Male and The Way of the Superior Man. I’d also suggest checking out the books Fit Soul, Endure, and Precepts by (ahem) yours truly for more on the topic of embracing masculinity.

11. Consider Testosterone Optimization Therapy (TOT) 

Using testosterone optimization therapy (TOT) is no different than using a health-promoting substance like aspirin, caffeine, or antibiotics. TOT can transform your life by optimizing testosterone levels, thereby boosting confidence, mental outlook, and physical health. It can also reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, and improve heart health. The men who go down the route of therapeutic administration ultimately classify their lives in two different phases: life before TOT and life after TOT.

One of my friends, Jay Campbell, is my go-to resource on this topic. His book, The Testosterone Optimization Bible, and my recent podcast with him are great sources for everything testosterone-related.

Additionally, enclomiphene is an alternative for those concerned about fertility and testicular shrinkage; studies show it can effectively restore testosterone levels while maintaining fertility. Consider trying Maximus’s Oral TRT+ Protocol, which features enclomiphene in its breakthrough formulation that delivers a unique release of testosterone designed to improve your energy and body composition without impacting your fertility, liver, kidney, or testicular size.

12. Inject Stem Cells for Erectile Function

In 2017, the European Association of Urology published trial results showing that stem cells can restore sufficient erectile function to allow previously impotent men to have spontaneous intercourse. It worked for eight of twenty-one patients, and it’s the first time that such therapy has enabled men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) to have sex without needing other medicines, injections, or implants. 

I underwent the same fat-sucking, stem cell harvesting procedure discussed in the aforementioned study. This involved the removal of my adipose tissue, and stem cells were isolated and mixed with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is a type of plasma that has a higher concentration of platelets (small blood cells containing essential proteins for tissue repair and regeneration) than regular blood.

PRP injections can treat the penis, but I had to wait for my stem cells to multiply. After researching clinics, I found one in Spokane, where my stem cells were shipped. The procedure was quick, and my results were definitely positive and noticeable, including increased size and firmness. While there are concerns about the safety and efficacy of penile stem cell injections, PRP injections are considered generally safe.

Discover More About Pleasure, Sexual Health, and Biohacking with Boundless 

There you have it, my friend — whether you’re aiming to add some spice to your relationship or are eager to discover more about the fascinating realm of sexual satisfaction, I hope you found this article to be both enlightening and beneficial. 

Also, if you enjoyed this article, here’s a secret… 

That’s just a snippet of “Sex: Tantra, Orgasms, Libido, Sexual Satisfaction, Hormones, and Beyond” — an entire chapter dedicated to elevating your sexual health, pleasure, connection, and intimacy in my best-selling book, Boundless.

With Boundless, expect a groundbreaking guide for total human optimization that is meticulously crafted to unravel the mysteries of your brain, elevate your physical prowess, and ignite your spiritual vitality. Whether you aspire to sculpt muscle, incinerate fat, extend your lifespan, indulge in mind-blowing sex, or raise resilient children, Boundless offers you a compass for peak performance in every facet of your life.

You can secure your copy of Boundless right here. Or, if you’re just eager to delve into more tips on biohacking your way to a fantastic sex life, explore these resources:

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